Chapter 32

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Ventus: I am alone, I screwed everything up

-No, you didn’t, you tried to protect everyone

-protect them from myself, Zane, Jared, Declan and the rest were the best friends I ever had, and I knew how the empire had hurten them so much… we need to stop this once and for all.


-Cora, you and I promised each other a whole new world of wonders and justice, a world of hope, let’s retrieve back that hope.


-Reuniting back the band…

Cora and ventus flew together to find the team, well he flew, she was on his back, they had to fly back to their team. Their first destination? San Francisco.

Ray and Star found them,the city was free of corruption and they helped the mayor who unfortunately was too sad to keep his chores…

-We will handle this ladies, thank you for the help.

In the mayor’s office, Zane was just there playing with a ball…

Zane: get out

Ventus: you talk that way to your brother

Zane: my brother wasn’t Eldran’s son!

Ventus: Zane please, when I came here, you inmediatly trusted me, you didn’t hesitate, you let a complete stranger enter with your whole family, and together we saved your city

Zane: you lied to me, why?

Ventus: I had to… your mother told me all the suffering the emperor did, slaving your father and you had to inmigrate to the states for a better chance of life but Zane, I promise I had nothing to do with it

Cora: Zane,I was with him on the palace, the only reason he left was because of his father, he ran from the palace to free the slaves, he had no magic, no powers, he was praftically a dump!

Ventus: wow thanks for that…

Cora: and you trusted him, this dump, where is that freidnship?

Zane: if you are my friend, what was our motto?

Ventus: Brothers till the end…

Zane: and a brother never gives up

Both: and a brother never abandons the other…

Zane: well, what will we do with the rest?

Cora: I don’t know

Ventus: we still have to retrieve the rebellion

Grysta: I could think of a way! Don’t worry, the girls called me, I suggest we used a montage

Ventus: a what?

(Hello, I am Grysta, yes I can break the fourth wall, just to make this chapter easier)

Ventus, Zane and Cora went to all the other places they had been, telling long, boring, friendship related speeches to say sorry to their friends, In New York, SubRussia, the land of the Healers. Then they told Dr.Victor to please help them return to the rebellion, of course he agreed but with one condition

Victor: we will need a bigger group…

Ventus: why’s that?

Victor: Emissary Flame has declared war on humans, Eldran is gathering a lot of abysmal soldiers, and his fleet will soon start attacking and ransacking the Earth, let’s move out! The rebellion is hopeless.

Victor started to mobilize the healers guild, his armies went to New York, Ventus flew and reunited the Arcs for the battle back in Latin America, Zane called upon the services of Ray and Star’s group, Jared summoned the help of his ex-terrorist group with Lenin’s help, and Izanagi called on Shinka’s help back on Japan.

They had reunited a huge army for the battle, but there were two more stops to make, the first one was the Order back at New York.

Ventus went on his own, and he didn’t just encountered Sun, he talked to the other 8 members Mercury, Venus, earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune,Uranus and Pluto.

Ventus: I thought Pluto was no longer a planet…

Pluto: what did you say?!

Ventus: nothing….

Sun: you came for the Order’s help… why?

Ventus: because now I understand what you meant! Last time you and I battled, I need to let go my demons, defeating the darkness was not defeating Eldran, was defeating myself, and now we need your help, everyone knows you don’t like the Emperor, nor his servants, help us put an end to this! Please!

The order argued, they kept peace at United States, but now, they had to keep the promise they had with Sadao, to obey his orders.

ALL: You win sadao, you will have our help, but your pawn has to demonstrate him worthy of the Phoenix blade accomplishing three challenges…

Ventus; spell them out

Gas Planets: The first trial is to defeat your own darkness, the plague Kasaru must be destroyed, as his purpose for evil has been fulfilled…

Ventus entered into a powerful chamber where Kasaru was, he was burning in darkness…

Ventus: you know why I am here?

-To finish the job?


-Oh, it will be finished, but not with you as the main body! You will bend before me, and the great powers of the Abyss!

Kasaru’s raven form took form, the form of a huge and fire breathing Demonic Dragon

The fire was truly scary, but Ventus had gone through a lot to surrender now, of course it would be a hard fight. The first thing he did was to summon his wings, but as he did, the dragon turned the battlefield with fire, so now, flying was not the best option, he would have to face the creature without flying. Sneaking into the beast’s flames, avoiding his dark energy attacks and his dangerous claws and mouths, he had to move to the sides I order to attack him, but as he attacked the beast counterattacked rising from the groun and hitting really hard the floor, causing earthquakes. Using magic he was able to counter the fire with his own Phoenix flare. In the moment the beast had him surrounded by Flames, a loud voice appeared, it was Sadhrem! Who had casted a powerful time spell to make its attacks slower. Giving a brother’s hug, they both fought the beast, now that it was slowed down, it was easier to anticipate it’s dangerous attacks and then with a powerful flare from the inside, the Phoenix that Ventus contained in his sword came to life and started to burn in his body, his wings were immersed of flames, and with all that inmense power, Ventus stroke and stabbed the dragon, putting it an end. He was now with his brother and the time for the second trial

Rock planets: the second trial is…

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