Chapter 6- Hehehe

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One minute I was holding Ciel's hand and then it was gone, I stumbled through the crowd, but I was too small to see them I tried calling out, but my voice was drowned out with the noises of the cars and people. I took to the nearest ally way and looked around let out meows. Tears were brimming my eyes, I felt them fall down my fur, I whimpered.

" What do we have here, a stray cat" I looked up, to see a fat human male, wear an all grey uniform with a wire pole thing ( I have know idea what it is called), I bolted upright and quickly ran away, heading deeper into the back streets of London. I was lost. Afraid.

I came passed a old building, I could quite read the sign, but the door was partly open, so I thought what's the harm. taking slow steps into the darkness, once I was in the door shut. I jumped up landing on a table, I gas lit lamp came on. Then I realised that I was standing on a coffin.

"Hehe... a kitten has come to visit" A voice said, I looked around seeing on person, then underneath me the lid started to open. Zombie I thought. jumping off and landed on a counter, watching a full grown man, step out, his long silver hair entranced me. He worse black and a hat, that a tail, fighting the urge to play with it.

"Biscuit" Suddenly the stranger was in front of me, holding a bone biscuit, I was no dog. I sniffed it and quickly took it eating it straight away, I was hungry.

"I am the Undertaker... hehe" He laughed, this is so creepy. Then he was gone, I looked around and he had buried himself into a pot full of white stuff. I hoped away balancing myself on the pot rim. Watching curiously as the Undertaker lick it and enjoyed, it decide that I should too. OMG I thought, it salt. I fell backward on the floor, placing my paw on my tongue to, wipe the salt off, my whole cringe at the taste.

" Heheh.... Hahah" I looked next to me and the undertaker was on the floor laughing and nearly in tears, I glare. 

"STOP IT" I yelled, oh no. My paws were hands and my body was human, I was in my Neko form. The Undertaker stopped laughing and now, was looking at me. 

"Your so cute... hehe" He rush forward and picked me up, I hissed, which made him laugh. what with the laughing. He petted my ears and I couldn't help but purr and cuddled into him, I was so interested to see why his eyes were covered up. I slowly picked up his hair, his body tensed, but I quickly placed them back down, so pretty I thought while, I smiled and returned to nuzzling him.

Sebastian POV

We were out side the Undertaker's shop, this were the ' other things' i was trying to proctect her from. Laughter erupted form inside, making the whole buidling shake and the sign looked like it was about to fall off. I brust inside, my eyes flashing bright pink, at the sight of my kitten nuzzling him. I was beyond angery, darkness surround me, i rushed forward scoping her up from the Undertaker, i check making sure she wasn't hurt. 

" Why were you holding her?" i asked

" hehe.... she was just so cute" i held tigher on to Faline, only mine.

We lefted, leaving a laughing Undertaker in his shop, i sighed, then turned to my master.

" Master i think it is best if we went back to the manor" i asked


" Kitten, those were the other things i want to portect you from" she looked confused, always seeing the good in everyone.

" But Sebastian, he was only one and i liked him." i said, i raised an eyebrow looked down on her. I didn't want to tell her about the red one and hope I never will.

" oh Bassy" i cringed, hearing him. ( instert fangirls) Grell clinged on to my back.

Normal POV

i turned to see a red hair man, dressed it all red, clinging on to Sebastian. Suddenly another man came up his was a black haired me with glass in a suit, he started dragging the red head away.

" Bassy save me...this isnt over, he willl be mine." He yelled in the distance, i let out a growl not liking him at all. 

As promised two chapter this week, now we are back on track, there are still things that haven't been explained, but that will come later on. please vote, comment and add - Rage Chan

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