Chapter 15

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Sebastian Pov

Walking over to the window, glass crunch underneath my shoes. I crouched down picking up a fragment of the glass. Looks like dinner will be served late today, I thought.

"Sebastian wh-" Ciel voice cut off, as he looked around the room to find a missing Faline.

I stood up, dusting off the invisible dust on my jacket.

"Master a demon has kidnapped Faline"

" I can see that" Ciel rised his voice and continued his rant
" Why are you just standing there then Sebastian"

I smirked, placing my hand over my still heart ( do demons have heart beats?) and lowered my head.

" You know what to do Master?"

After all these years and he is still clueless, I waited for his response.

"Sebastian I order you to find Faline and kill the demon" Ciel ordered pointing his finger at me. Dramatic much, I thought as I looked up, my eyes turned bright pink. 

" I can help"  A voice echo throughout the room,  I turned around and looked at the window to find the servant Arabella sat on the window ledge, grinning widely. 

"What could you possibly do?" Ciel said.

Arabella glared at Ciel, I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, checking my pocket watch.

"I'm a grim reaper, bitches" Arabella said.

Ciel and I stared at her in shock, I have just been called a female dog ( \*^*/ ).

Faline Pov 

I slowly open my eyes, as my head left like it was spliting opening, with pain. Rubbing the back of my hands on my eyes, I was fully aware of my surroundings. Just typically a basement, how original , I thought.  I stretched out my limbs, warming up my joint to shift into my cat form. Landing on all fours, but this time if felt like was under water, shaking it off. When towards the door and run towards the small window which was at the top of the wall, my claws latched on to the small ledge and I was hanging off. My claws lossed their grip and I felt backwards, suddenly I shifted back into my human form landing on the dusty cold ground. 

Omg what is wrong with me, I am dying... no it is because I am still sick. It is effecting my abilities...damn, I realised, that I need a hero... I am holding out for a hero to the end of the night. ( Sorry...not sorry) 

 The door opened to reveal,the demon teacher entered with the white head boy, who look just as crazy as Arabella seeing her ships sail. They walked closer, I hissed which sounded like I was dying. The kid started laughing and his eyes turned white...another bloody demon.

Thank you for reading and before you go what the hell is happening, the white head boy (Rin) is a subordinate demon to the teacher aka his master. Rage-chan... out.

Hi everyone I hope you enjoy the chapter and sorry it took so long to upload haha. The next chapter will be longer and put a few backstories in it. ArabellaWalker

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