Chapter 12.5

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Of course it wasn't as bad for most of them and no one suspected anything had happened at all, until the Pharaoh got a surprise visit from Silver just as he was about to head to bed "Your timing could use some work" he says but walks over to the god "We have a big problem, something attacked us, blew up the entire building we were in and we got all send here, scattered across the land" Silver says "The one responsible is gone, but we can still sense some magic, meaning he's recharging somewhere so he can finish the job later" "I'll ask someone to bring you to Isis", a guard enters the room and Yami says "Please escort Silver to Isis so she can see to his wounds" "Right away my king".

Ruby is laying on the couch, wanting her two friends to take the guest rooms and she was comfortable near the fire "Drake, why are you awake?" she asks suddenly "Nightmare" he says  and Ruby sighs sitting up wrapping the blanket around herself "I'd feel better if someone warned Yami" "Yami?" Drake asks and he chuckles "The Pharaoh agreed with that nickname?" he asks and Ruby nods "Only I can call him that though" she says and smiles "Maybe it'll stick around" "You know that if he ever has to go poking through your memories that he will find out his real name right?" Drake asks and Ruby waves of his concern "I only called him that once Drake, nothing to worry about, just once and the only time he'd need to go snooping through them is if I somehow become human". A knock on the door gets their attention and Drake goes to open it "Opal?" he asks earning a nod and he lets her in "I'm so lucky I picked up on Ruby's magic, who else is here?" she asks and Ruby says "Summer's here too, but she's sleeping" "Good, we're all heading to the temple soon, I sensed Silver in the palace with the Pharaoh, who tripled his guards around the palace by the way, can you come tomorrow?"  Opal says and Ruby nods "We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning, we can't teleport there so we'll have to find another way to travel" "I can carry you in my animal form" Summer says "Which is?"  Drake asks and Summer smiles changing into a tiger and Ruby sweatdrops "And I'm stuck as a small cat, great" "Actually we all start as small animals, I was a mice" Summer says changing back "Do something with that nickname you have here" "Only normal animals remember?" Drake asks.

The next morning Summer makes breakfast and she says "Let's go before someone wakes up" Drake says and Summer quickly writes a note and the three leave, Summer changing to an animal and Drake says "She won't be able to carry us both" "No problem" Ruby says and a second later she jumps on his shoulder as a cat and the three head off. Luckily Drake put Ruby in front of him "Let's hope we're not the last one" he says and Ruby looks up at him putting her tail around herself "Probably not, you're right" he says with a smiles. They soon arrive at the city and Ruby jumps off changing back and Summer does the same when Drake is standing next to her "How do you earn your second animal?" "By making a huge sacrifice saving the one you love" Summer says and she smiles "Yours will come, don't worry Ruby and your brother has a dragon as second animal" "Lucky him" Ruby mumbles as they walks through the town. They arrive at the temple and go in "And that leaves- Never mind" Jack says and seconds later Silver walks in "So what now?" Ruby asks sitting on the empty space where her statue will appear hopefully never "Well I checked the damage and it's already repairing itself, meaning that whoever that was is gone for now" Silver says sitting next to her "I talked to the Pharaoh, he doesn't mind if we stay in the temple since we're save here for the time being, but I figured out why the barrier didn't stop him, there weren't enough of us there when he most likely got in" he explains and Ruby sighs "I'll miss my life here" she says, she wasn't a great example for everyone like she is suppose to be "Ruby it's not your fault, when Silver went into a slumber we all left" Sakura says "Probably why some darkness got in in the first place" Jack says and Ruby keeps quiet "No it's my fault for never taking mom's place as queen, this place needs both" she says after a while "If you do that you can still leave you know" Silver says and he looks at Drake and Opal who get the hint and disappear, only to reapear with something in a box "The gem will change color" Silver days before they can say anything and he takes the object from the box "Unless you find someone, deal?" Ruby asks earning a nod.

At the palace Yami is pacing, he had a lot to think about "Isis why does Ruby keeps avoiding some topics?" he asks, he had wanted to ask her something four times now and she always suddenly had something to do "Perhaps you should study up on the gods, but she will tell you when she's ready" Isis says and she adds "But I don't think she wants to tell you, there are downsides of her being a goddess and you being a human" "I'll go and ask Mana is she wants to help me look then" Yami says and Isis bows before leaving to get the energetic girl.

Ruby is jumping fron statue to statue as a cat since she's bored "We're back" Sapphire says entering with Jack and the door gets sealed off again "We got some for everyone, but there's nowhere to store our extra food" Jack says and Ruby jumps down as she changes back landing softly on her feet "There is a hidden trapdoor our parents store our most valuable treasures" she says and after scanning the floor she walks to a pillar and she says "It's under here", they store it away and Ruby pulls herself up "I found my lost spellbook" she says and flips through it "Mom gave me this just in case" she says and the trapdoor disappears and the pillar appears again "At least we'll be comfortable" Silver says earning a few confused looks "I promised none of the citizens would get inbolved, so we're stuck here until further notice" he explains and Ruby groans "Course the pages are full of dust too" she says, this was going to take a while.

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