Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“We’re sending you to a boarding school, Maycee.” My dad told me once we arrived home from the court.

“What?? Why??”

“You killed someone Maycee! And a lot of people want you locked up for it! Be lucky we just got you into this school!”

“I! DIDN’T! KILL! ANYONE!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Why the hell would I kill someone?

“Well the court says differently.”


“Wrong! The court released you for insufficient evidence.”

“So you really believe I killed someone? I thought you raised me better than that.”

“We did too,” my mother interjected.

“And you don’t believe I was innocent. I was at Katy’s house! You can even ask her or her parents! We spent the night in her room watching movies and eating ice cream because she was pissed her boyfriend cheated on her!”

“Be lucky we don’t have Katy arrested for assistance to murder,” my dad muttered.


“You’re still going to this school.”

“Whatever! Anything to get me away from you people who don’t care about their child enough to believe their innocent!” I yelled walking away from my parents.

“Do not talk to me that way Maycee Williams!” my father bellowed.

“Leave her alone,” my mother whispered. “Go pack!” she yelled to me. I walked to my room and packed every last thing I owned…

I didn’t talk to my parents the rest of the day. Apparently I still had a day in town before being shipped off.

I didn’t talk to my parents the next day either. We drove to the airport in silence. My dad parked at the airport and we all exited the car.

“Here’s your ticket,” my mom said handing me a paper. “You should arrive in London in 14 hours.”


“Yes the school is in London. No other school would take you.”

I sighed. “Well bye.” I said before walking into the airport to go board my plane. Seriously they sent me to another COUNTRY?! Harsh people…



sorry its short it like midnight and i dont want to write a crappy story for you guys.

on the side is DESTROYA by My Chemical Romance where the tittle came from. Listen to it, it's intresting

Kill All Your Friends (an MCR fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now