Of the Prince of Cats and Marriage

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Eventually, after searching the main parts of town I resorted to returning to the Capulet estate where I presumed the fiery young Capulet had escaped. I had been to the house enough that I knew practically every room's location like the back of my hand. As I followed the corridor which held all of the bedchambers including Juliet's I gently traced the brick wall with my fingers wondering what situations life would put me in. Particularly the predicament I now found myself in with my love for Benvolio and my parents' wish and hope for Tybalt to ask for my hand in marriage. Gently I sighed when I saw two Capulet servants scurrying from the chambers of none other than Count Tybalt Capulet himself.

"If you're looking for Tybalt, m'lady, I be warnin' you that he is in a right nasty mood at this minute," the older of the servants told me.

"Thank you, for warning me. I shall make sure to tread lightly so as to not anger him more."

The servants then continued off in the direction in which they were heading as I continued in mine. Slowly I peeked around the corner of the doorway which was completely open due to the frantic events recently past prior. As I looked in I saw Tybalt's rapier laying on the bed only half sheathed and many articles ranging from clothing to furniture laying in chaos. Drawers were left hanging by barely a corner as clothing and trinkets lay scattered across the floor like a battlefield or hanging from the drawers which were practically unhinged. Looking farther I noticed the man, Tybalt, himself leaning against and looking out of the window, still fully clad in his silver armor and breathing heavily. The expression bestowed upon his face showed that of pure anger and annoyance. One in which no one in their right mind would dare to approach.

Taking a deep breath I made my way slowly across the room, carefully trying not to step on or break anything more than they already were. On my way, I accidentally kicked what appeared to be an intricately designed candlestick now with the candle shattered in millions of tiny pieces and the once pristine, beautiful gold now dented and no longer the quality it once was. At the sound of the metal hitting the foot of his bed, Tybalt spun his head around with a look of pure rage. If his rapier had been in his hand rather than his bed I fear he would have caused my person damage right at that very moment. 

My eyes widened in fear and shock for a brief moment and my breath caught in my chest until I relaxed. Once he recognized me his expression returned to its original state of annoyance as he turned back to the window. He raised his right arm which faced me and beckoned me over by his side. Once I arrived by his side he gently put his arm around my shoulder with a slight tension that I knew wouldn't leave for a while. 

Finally, he spoke, "How I hate hell all Montagues. Even that foul worm of a cousin of yours."

Trying to contain myself as I had become clearly offended by his statement I replied, "Mercutio is my cousin and an Escalus at that. He is a relation not only to myself but Count Paris and the prince as well."

"I am aware, but nonetheless he identifies himself with the sewer rat Montagues."

"Not all of the Montagues are worthy of that insult, Tybalt."

"Oh really? And who isn't," he said turning to me in a clear state of annoyance which caused me to tremble.

"Well. For one there is Romeo who is renowned around Verona for his polite person. And then there's Benvolio who would rather keep the peace than fight."

Tybalt made a sound of mocking annoyance before stating, "Romeo is a lovesick boy who knows nothing about reality and Benvolio is a little coward who is too scared of becoming harmed by the end of a blade."

Taking a deep breath I quickly attempted to change the subject, "Well it appears you have had a bit of time to yourself, "I said turning to look around the room.

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