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For dolphins breathing is not a reflex action as it is for humans beings, and other land mammals, but rather a voluntary action. In other words, dolphins decide to breath like we decide to walk.

Dolphins breathe using their lungs just like other mammals, which means they do not extract oxygen from water like fish, So they have to come up to the water surface to breathe.

On the top of their heads is a hole enabling them. The bodies of dolphins have such a perfect design that, when it dives into the water, this hole is automatically closed by a cap, thus preventing the water from entering into the dolphin's body. When the animal comes up to the water surface, the cap repens.

Allah (SWT) has created dolphins such that they do not get drowned while sleepin in the water. They use the right and left hemisphere of their brain in turns, at approximately 15-minute intervals. While one cerebral hemisphere sleeps, the dolphins used the other cerebral hemisphere to to come up to the surface of the water to breathe.

The snout of the dolphin's beak is designed in such a way that it facilitates the movement of animal through water. By mean of this special design, it

uses less energy while swimming in the water at high speed.

Scientist are surprised at the great speeds at which the dolphins swim. There is a smooth flow of water around the bodies of the dolphins. Research carried out on the skin of dolphins has revealed the reason for this flow.

The skin of a dolphin consists of three layers. The outer layer is thin and very elastic. The middle layer is mostly composed of connective tissue and it has appendages looking like a plastic brush which anchor the outer layer to the middle layer. The third inner, layer consists of bundles of elastic fibers.

Therefore, when turbulence begins to form in the water around the speedily swimming dolphin, the outer skin transmit the extreme pressure caused by this turbulence to the inner layers and they absorb it. This, the turbulence that begins to develop disappears before it is able to grow.

All of these special structures, exclusive only to the dolphins among all other animals, are clear evidence of an intelligent design. Allah (SWT) has created dolphins, like all other creatures, with their body structures in conformity with their surroundings.

Dolphins are aquatic mammals that belong to the infraorder "Cetacea" a group of animals that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. They also belong to the parvorder "Odontoceti," which are the toothed cetaceans, but taxonomically speaking, dolphins are an informal group, composed by most toothed cetaceans but excluding whales and porpoises.

There are 43 different species of dolphins identified. 38 of them are oceanic dolphins which are those that most people know and five species of river dolphins. The families included as "dolphins" are the oceanic and river dolphins:

The skin color of dolphins is grayish-blue, but it can also be black, white, light gray, blueish and even pink or the combination of those colors varying according to the species. However, in every case, their skin is very sensitive to impacts and other elements that could be in the water.

Even though some dolphin species have up to 100 teeth, they don't use them for chewing. They use their teeth only to hold the fish and then swallow them. Large dolphins like the Orca can consume up to 500 pounds of fish per day. The pods usually work as a team to surround a school of fish and get them as packed as possible. Afterward, they plow through the middle of the fish concentration and eat as much as they need.

 Afterward, they plow through the middle of the fish concentration and eat as much as they need

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