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Did you know that cats were venerated in ancient Egypt, they were commonly
believed to have been domesticated there,but there may have been instances ofdomestication as early as the Neolithic from around 9,500 years ago (7,500 BC). A
genetic study in 2007 concluded that domestic cats are descended from Near
Eastern wildcats, having diverged around 8,000 BC in the Middle East.

36 facts

1. Do you know that cats can drink seawater to re-hydrate themselves!! Their kidneys have the
ability to expel the salt, while allowing water to rehydrate the feline.

2. Are you having a cat? Did you observe whether your cat is left pawed or right pawed? If you
are having a female cat then it will be mostly left pawed and if it is a male cat it will be right

3. Do you know that your cat's brain is similar to you? Yes, cat's brain is more similar to human

4. Your cat can outrun Usain Bolt!! Yes your cat can run at a speed of 31 mph, and the speed of
Bolt is 27 mph.

5. Do you know that cats have been blamed for the global extinction of 33 species??

6. Cats sweat through their paws, they don't have sweat glands on their bodies like us.

7. Cats don't want to drink water from the water bowl next to their bowl because they think that it
might be contaminated.

8. Did you ever observe for how much time your cat sleeps? Cats sleep for more than 70% of
their lives, which is 16 hours per day.

9. Have you ever been to Disneyland? Did you find any rodents over there? Most probably you
might have failed, Disneyland owns more than 200 feral cats and they are released in the night to
feed on hundreds of rodents.

11. In Egypt, in ancient days, cats are used to protect crops from rats and other rodents.

13. Do you use the cat flap door in your home? Isaac Newton invented it.

14. Cat's can hear ultrasonic sounds, whereas dogs and humans cannot. Rodents use
ultrasonic sounds to communicate.

15. Do you know that cat uses its whiskers to gauge whether it can fit through an opening or

16. Cats need Taurine, an amino acid. Without it, your cat would go blind.

17. There are more than 5oo million domestic cats in the world, making them as one of thepopular pet in the world. There are around 33 breeds.

DiD YOU KNOW That domesticated cat and its closest wild ancestor are both diploid organisms
that possess 38 chromosomes, and roughly 20,000 genes. About 250 heritable genetic disorders
have been identified in cats, many similar to human inborn errors. The high level of similarity
among the metabolism of mammals allows many of these feline diseases to be diagnosed using
genetic tests that were originally developed for use in humans, as well as the use of cats as
animal models in the study of the human diseases.

18. Your cat usually weighs around 4 kilograms to 5 kilograms.
24. 21.297 is the weight of an heaviest domestic cat.

19. Cats life span is 12 to 15 years.

20. Cats meow rarely at other cats, they usually do it for humans.

21. Did you ever notice whether you cat has eyelashes or not? because most cats don't have

22. Your cat can make more than 100 sounds, whereas a dog can make only 10.

23. Did you try to speak to your cat? It seems weird but, the more you talk to your cat, the more
it will speak to you.

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