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Abigail POV

Jealousy. Jealousy was never a feeling I had planned on experiencing. But nevertheless, I welcomed the unfamiliar, unwelcome feeling with grace. A true pitcher never allows their feelings to show too brightly. 

He said she is from Philly. From Philly, just like me goddamit! He said she was beautiful. Beautiful, the word wasn't unfamiliar on his tongue. He had spoken it once before. Somewhere distantly in my dreams. In every single dream I had since we had ended our friendship. The necklace he had given me for my birthday which seemed like years ago. That was beautiful. I wore it on occasion just for the memory that would make me smile. Austin would call me beautiful when I wear it, he never knew the story behind it. I will stop wearing the necklace now. I'll stop dreaming now. It doesn't take an expert for me to realize the truth.Aaron Nola is over me. 

I just smiled and nodded, praying internally that he wouldn't notice the slight jealousy that was probably flaring passionately in my eyes. 

"...So yeah, I think we really have a bright future together. It's all  been going great!" He finishes speaking and, fuck he looks so happy. Perhaps he didn't even notice I was gone. For him, my absence was just a slight tear that could be mended easily. But for me, his absence was a gaping hole, that could never be fixed. 

"That's-That's awesome, Nola! Glad to hear it! Things have been great with Austin and me too! Really the best!" I was smiling too much, I was lying. I was pretending. I'm always pretending. I'm a pitcher, I'm an actor. I was too hurt to notice his face fall slightly in Austin's name. 

A comfortable silence fell over us. As I decided to direct my attention towards the game. But no amount of baseball could distract me from the destructive thoughts that invaded my mind. He doesn't care about me. He likes her. He's over me. He loves her. He didn't miss me. They're meant to be. We were never meant to be. He's supposed to be with her. I'm supposed to be with his brother. Isn't this how it's supposed to be? This is right, right? I'm happy with Austin and he's happy with Ginger. If he's happy I'm happy. 

"Ab! You see that we just earned ourselves another victory! Congrats my dear, you have secured the spot of number one pitcher!" Next thing I knew Aaron had an arm slung around me, a beer in his other. I turned my head slightly so I could get a better view of his face. 

"Oh, Nola, my dear, sweet, precious, Aaron Micheal Nola." I placed a  hand on his face, teasing him. "Surely you of all people understand that I am not the  only talented pitcher...then again the rest of all y'all are stupid." I smiled broadly, and he narrowed his eyes. 

"Damnit! I hate it when you do that!" 

"Do what?" 

"That!" He began to motion towards my face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" 

"When you smile like that! It makes it so damn impossible to hate you!" I couldn't help but giggle at the slight blush that danced across his face.  

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