Chapter 13: Road Trip.

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I see Stiles's car pull up in front of my house and watch as both Scott and Stiles get out hesitantly walking towards me. They both look towards each other before they land on me. My eyes travel from Scott's worried ones to Stiles's concerned ones and it isn't then until I feel one of their hands wiping away my tears.

"Kai, what happened?"

Scott asks and as I replay exactly what just happened in my head the shock is now over and I let out an ugly cry before falling to my knees. Both boys joining me on the ground as they try and ask me what's wrong, but all I could do is shake my head and cry. The tears getting faster and the breathing getting harder.

I hear both of the boys ask what the other should do before Stiles asks if he should call Brett making me shake my head and cry harder. I can feel one of them sit behind me letting me fall to their lap as the other one hugs me from the front. In the middle of both of my best friends I continue to let the tears fall with neither of them asking another question until I'm ready to talk.

It's a couple minutes later before I feel the tears start to lighten up before I feel myself being picked up and brought inside. As Scott places me down on my bed Stiles hands me my box of tissues to clean up as they both sit in front of me waiting for when I'm ready to explain.

Wiping my face slightly I look to both of them before trying to give them a smile while thanking them, but they both don't fall for it and each grabs a hand. With both of their thumbs running against my knuckles I can feel myself starting to calm down and ready to talk to them.

"Are you ready to tell us what happened?"

"Brett, br-br-broke up with me."

"Did he say why?"

"He said that with all this going on he felt like we were drifting apart. I needed him."

"Hey you still have us."

Scott says making me glance between both of them before questioning if I really do. They both look at me with wide eyes before glancing to each other.

"I've never seen anything pull us apart as much as Theo has and it makes me wonder. Things obviously aren't going to get better and they might even get worse, so if Theo can pull us apart and he is one person who knows what else can happen in the future."

"Kai, that won't happen again. I promise you. No matter what happens until the day we die we will never separate again. We are planning to get the pack back together and we aren't planning on separating anytime soon. Stiles and I will always be here for you, don't forget that."

"Yeah, and come on Kai. We have been through too much for you to think that neither of us would be there for you. You have been there for both of us more than we can tell you and that is the same for us. I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon, and I know Scott isn't either. What happened with Theo sucked yeah, but if anything it proved that what we have is strong because even when he broke us all apart we are coming back together and will be stronger than ever. Don't forget who we are and most of all don't forget who you are."

"Kai, we are a family and family sticks together."

Scott says with a small smile making me smile as well before pulling them both into a hug thanking them. I feel both of them place a kiss on either temple before pulling away and asking me if I'm up to go and get part of our pack back. Nodding I ask them to let me get cleaned up a bit first and then I will be.

"So, who are we getting first?"


"Kira? We know where she is?"

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