Chapter 14: Now we get Lydia.

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The next morning I get a call from Scott telling me to be ready in 20 minutes for he is going to come pick me up. I ask him what for when he just tells me that I'm going to help him with something. Letting out a sigh I tell him that I'll be ready before heading to my bathroom to get ready.

Today I throw on a red plaid button up shirt and some white shorts tied together with my black converse. I do my hair and makeup quick before grabbing my stuff and heading down stairs and then out the door. Once I get outside I see Stiles's jeep and Scott's bike that has an occupant of Kira on it. Nodding my head I should have realized that this was something big. Sending a quick wave towards Scott and Kira I hop into Stiles's jeep.

"So what's going on?"

"Hi to you too."

"Sorry. Hi Stiles, what is going on?"

"My dad said there were a bunch of bodies found last night and are being brought to the hospital, so we are going to go check it out."

Nodding my head I utter a small great as we all start heading to the hospital. Once we get there we immediately head to the elevator and up to the floor where they take the bodies. AS we exit the elevator we run into Sheriff and another body being rolled away.

"Who found them?"

"Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory."

"It's a slightly terrifying theory."

"Well, the M.E said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels."

"Hey. what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies."

"Why would they do that?"

"Maybe they're covering for it."

"You mean they are protecting the thing?"

"Yeah, protecting it like a parent would."

"Protecting what?"

"A werewolf."

"It's called the Beast."

Kira says before Stiles nods saying that it's horrifying and Sheriff go on about what we are going to call Parrish since his dream is coming true. We all glance at each other before I check the time seeing that we all need to head to school now. Everyone nods their head as we head to our respective cars. Once we get to school we all head our separate ways.

Classes were boring, but school was terrifying. Cops patrolling everywhere with big guns and looking at us suspicously. I felt uncomfortable as if they knew everything and that I was their biggest target. As I was making my way down the hall I notice Stiles at his locker. Smiling I remember how it used to be when I would see him down the halls and my heart would beat faster than the speed of light. Kind of like it is now.

I make my way over to him before leaning against the locker next to his. He hasn't noticed me because his locker door is open making me smirk.

"Hey Stilisnki, what are you up too?"

He basically slams the door shut in his attempt to not act like he was scared as he looks towards me and sends me a glare before smiling.

"Nothing Raeken, trying to be normal."

"Yeah, lets go back to first name basis please."

"Still feels weird with you and Theo sharing the same last name?"

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