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It seemed like Ayano's whole world ended. That damned Osana confessed to him before her. But she was determined to get her senpai no matter what it took.
Ayano studied Osana's schedule to figure out when the perfect time was to eliminate her.

   Just when she was about to sneak up on Osana, you came in and prevented the girls death. Ayano lowered her weapon and simply obeyed. There was something about you that made her stop. Any other sane person would have yelled to stop the murder. But for you, you approached the killer and stopped her.

     You were the beginning of a new obsession for Yan-Chan. Their was something about you. Maybe it's because you stopped her knowing you'd probably get killed. You didn't blow her cover and get her in jail. Soon she asked Info-Chan about her. Just like Senpai, she became obsessed with you.

   I'm sure she knows about Megamo.
The student counsel president, weird how he didn't show up at all in the weeks of Ayano's kills.
  The most popular guy of the school has secrets just like anyone else. Now his obsession started when you helped out the counselor. He was there always noticing you first when he entered the room. You never payed attention to him.

  On days when the counselor wasn't there, you helped him. You knew some of his secrets and at times would greet him the halls. A thing you would do rarely since you were always busy reading or studying while walking to class. Soon something sparked, you two would help each other out in class. That spark soon turned into an obsession.

  Your obsession was with someone else, her. This obsession started when you helped her with some class work.
It only took the two of you to reach for a pencil that the obsession started. You felt something you hadn't really felt since you were little. A rare emotion. Well, since you were little you were always obsessive and lovesick. You just hadn't felt lovesick since 4th grade. Your parents were gone, you lived with your aunt who later left you when you were old enough to take of yourself.

Now you're stuck in madness.
A yandere and the student counsel president love you and yet your crazy for another.

         Let the fun begin.

Bloody Wine | Yandere! Megamo X Yandere! Reader X AyanoWhere stories live. Discover now