Ch 9: Gross, Sappy Shit

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"Ai'Oon, we need to talk." Turning, I find Jay coming down the hall towards me still looking angry as fuck.

Am I fucking cursed? Not only do I have to go down and explain to Namtarn about Kong, now I have to deal with Jay's temperamental ass. This is officially the shittiest week ever.

Fine! If this is the way the fates want it, then I'll fucking roll with it!

"Good! You're here." Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I pull a surprised Jay down the stairs and out the building to where Namtarn is waiting, her eyes wide at the sight of us together. "You both want to talk, so let's talk."


Chapter 9
Gross, Sappy Shit

First and second years leaving their classes immediately quiet down in the hallway as soon as they notice the tall senior leaning casually against one wall. Every single one that comes within his sight greets him respectfully and hurries away. Many avoid him entirely, choosing to turn around before he notices them and take the long way out of the building. The senior's sharp gaze, serious expression, and well-known reputation intimidate them all. All except for a small group of friends that are among the last to leave their classroom. They greet him with smiles, not bothered by his unfriendly appearance.

"Have you been waiting very long, p'Prem?" Kongpob takes a small step closer to stand beside him.

"Just got here a few minutes ago. Are you ready to get some lunch?" After Kong nods, Prem looks around at the rest of them. "What about you guys?"

Aim, Tew, and Oak immediately agree but Wad, who is standing slightly back from the group, stands silently studying the senior. Prem raises an eyebrow at him in question and Wad gives him a noncommittal shrug. Shaking his head, Prem leads the way out of the building with Kongpob at his side and the others following behind.

"Hey, Kong." Prem leans in close to whisper once they are outside since he's not sure how much the younger man has told his friends about what happened. None of them are giving him weird looks like this morning so Kongpob had to have said something to them to relieve their curiosity. "Did you..."

Before Prem could finish his question, Kong stops in his tracks with his eyes glued to a small group of people standing in the shade nearby. Oak almost runs into his back and is about to say something when Aim grabs his arm to stop him and gestures with a nod at the scene that has Kong's attention. Prem and Tew follow their gazes and Prem scowls darkly.

"Just ignore them, Kong. Let's get something to eat." Tugging on the younger man's arm, Prem tries to guide him forward when a familiar voice yells out in his most head hazer voice.

"I told you, I'm dating Kongpob, asshole! What? Do I have to spell it out for you?" Dark brows drawn down, Arthit's eyes are menacing slits as he faces off with Jay.

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