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Roman sat patiently waiting for his breakfast, while his house maid Isolde prepared that in the kitchen, he had known Isolde ever since he was a little boy, she had also helped raise him and his sister.

"I left an Invitation i received from Mr Petra on the counter" Isolde said as she placed before him, a plate of toasted bread, scrambled eggs and a cup of Ice coffee.

Arching an eyebrow he gave a curt nod "I saw it, which reminds me i'll be attending that tonight"

She forced a smile,before asking "Anything else Roman?"

He shook his head "No that'll be all"

Silently, and quietly she slipped back into the kitchen and he went into his food. After much thought he'd decided to go, Mr Petra,bthe fat, middle aged Russian man was kinda of a good friend to him, he'd also called him to know if he was coming, and with no other option but to honour the invitation with his presence he decided to go.

Sergei walked in, minutes later and fell into one of the seats facing him.

"Isolde, I'm starving, a cup of tea and toasted bread please" he called out briskly turning his attention to Roman.

"How was your night?"he asked

"Um, same"

Before he could reply,Isolde walked in with his order and he offered her a smile in thanks.

"We'll be going to the inferno tonight, tell Macho to get the plane ready by eleven"

Sergei nodded in understanding, or relishing the taste of his breakfast but he quickly muttered "Levi will be bummed by this news"

A ghost smile appeared on Romans face as he pushed his plate away, sitting back "Yeah,"

Isolde's helper, Malie rushed in, carrying the plates carefully,she greeted both men with a nervous smile before she made off to the kitchen.

Jasmine was still, as she listened carefully for what seemed like the umpteenth time the rules. In summary all you had to do was be submissive, your head must be bowed and so on. Her hands grew sweaty as soon as darkness began to fall and Mr grumpy came in with Miss red hair and they were handing girls their outfit, skimpy body showing gowns that definitely would leave them half naked.

Turning as someone bumped into her, she saw a very young girl who seemed very excited, and her not so excited friend.

"I'm so sorry" she quickly muttered testing her clothe.

Jasmine nodded but couldn't help asking "How old are you?"

Smiling she replied "Seventeen, i'll be eighteen tomorrow"

Jasmine forced a smile as the cloth been passed around was stopped, without her getting any.

"For those who didn't get an outfit yet, just know that the best has been saved for last and your dressings are in the next room, so come with me"

Jasmine rolled her eyes as she rolled off the bed, following the seven to eight girls that went with Mr grumpy. The next room was bigger, and more comfy than the other, but she froze on seeing their dressing, shorter gowns and their faces had to be covered in a lacy material that matched their outfit, and finally tall heels that scared the living day lights out of her.

Immediately, Roman stepped into his walk in closet the light turned on, revealing black suit and shirts lined up in order, his jaw set, Roman chose his desired suit and paired it off with a dark polished shoe,combing his long hair back wards, he was ready. Barking out orders at the body guard he walked off and into the Lamborghini that contained, Levi and Sergei, they zoomed off to one of the closest and most expensive airport where he kept his private plane.

Once on it, he was greeted by two air hostess in the most ridiculously short skirt he'd ever seen, and nodding in greeting the trio went in taking their seat in the dark cushioned luxury airplane.

The Inferno was an hour and forty five minutes away, and when they arrived they found Mr Petra who had been expecting them. They exchanged greetings in Russian as he led them in.

"Have a seat at the front row"Mr petra suggested, but Roman shook his head,making himself comfy at the backseat.

"What's Mario and Luca doing here?"Levi asked through gritted teeth staring daggers at the two men who were about to take a seat.

"Mario sold a woman to me, i don't know why, but i believe the girl belonged to Luca and i'm certain she has a lot of ideas on their "evil deeds""

Fading back into his seat as other Prestigious men and Mafias walked in greeting with a nod of the head and handshakes the event was ready to start and the whole room darkened as the host Mr Petra's red haired wife came up the stage and began.

"Evening Gentle men and welcome to discreet we have a total of forty beautiful and extravagant girls,we are hoping you like and we hope you are ready to spend your money, with no further waste of time lets begin...No 1, Eloise, 24..."

Jasmine,played with her number tag as she watched the other girls whose turn were next stand in line,she had gotten number 36, almost close to the last, so she didn't fret. She had also come to accept what was gonna happen to her, there was no turning back,she was being sold and no one could save her,all she prayed was a buyer, so nice and kind and compassionate would take her.

Slowly, the numbers of girl began to decrease,and she paled when her number was called, how the hell did they reach 36 so fast, she asked herself.

The man leading them out grabbed her arms roughly and she tried to release his grip, but it was useless he was way stronger than her. She didn't know when she was dragged up the stage but she felt him releasing her and angrily she snapped so loud "Jerk face" and the whole room went up in mutters and mumbles.

Roman was getting so bored, he was prepared to leave soon, number thirty six and he was gone he told himself. He watched uninterested as a big hefty man dragged "the thirty sixth" girl up the stage, she was the first he'd seen struggle and he was interested, but when she'd called him a "jerk face" he found himself sitting up.

The bidding began Luca quickly said "a thousand"

Jasmine looked devastated, though no one could see her face, was she that cheap, only a thousand.

"A thousand, going, going"

"Ten thousand"a voice called out of the silence of the room and every one turned, to see who owned the deep, dark baritone.

Roman smiled, it was the first time he'd ever done this and probably going to be the last, and if Luca wanted her this badly,he wanted her too, maybe she had valuable information.

Smiling wickedly, he met Luca's eyes and Luca quickly turned "Thirty thousand"

"Thirty thousand, going, going..."

An Arabian mogul who decided to join the fun muttered "Fifty thousand"

"A hundred thousand"Roman quickly interjected

"Two hundred "Luca snapped

"Three fifty thousand"a voice called.

"A million"Roman said.

Jasmine felt the sweat on her face accumulate, she didn't understand what was going on, all she wanted to do was take off,run into the night and scream for help.

Luca sat back, he didn't have any more money to bid higher, giving a fuck, he ran his hand into his hair.

"Five million"The Arabian mogul put in,and Mrs Petra's smiled, best sale ever.

"Ten million" Roman finished with Sergei staring at him, like he had lost brain.

"Going for ten million, going, going, gone, sold to the Russian Mafia"

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