Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to r.i.p. Nehemyah Jones

Hey everybody don't worry the chapter gonna start I feel like I should explain more on Kingsley and continue a little of the flashback scene to give you guys a little more insight k don't forget to vote and comment and share my story to your readers please

Thanks. Evette

Here's chapter 7

**** flashback (Cont.)****

Evelyn awoke to a man shaking her, "Ma''am? Are you okay?" She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. Kingsley's little body was attached to her shirt like a little leech. He whimpered into her bosom. Evelyn was a little disoriented,"shit man.....what the Fuck just-" then everything rushed back. She began to panic. Frantically trying to get up the people surrounding her now tried to keep her down she felt a pain shoot through her, like a lightning bolt. "Aggggggh!! "do not move help on on the way!" Someone shouted but her vision blurred so she couldn't make out any faces around her. She tried to keep her mind off it by concentrating on baby Kingsley nibbling on her shirt.

When Evelyn finally came to again she saw the gruesome sight. Rico was a few feet away from her, dead. She saw ambulance and firemen pulling him from the construction rocks, his head caved inward from the impact. K.k. was in the middle of the street, convulsing helplessly, blood pouring from every corner of his body. She frantically looked and searched through the people for her sister. She screamed her name as the ambulance worker tried to shield her face.

Then she spotted Christen......

"Oooooh Fuck Nooooo Nooooo Nooooo nooooooo!" She jumped from the gurney with Kingsley grasping tightly to her, she knelt down by the car. Christen was half crushed under it. Her eyes were open, "Christen?"

Christen managed to painfully look up to her sister with a faint smile. "Dad is going to kill us."

"Just hold on Chris-" "Don't you cry for me. Take care of my baby don't you let Auntie know anything that bitch." Christen spat.

"Bu....but you can't die on me you can't! we're supposed to and get married together we're supposed to take over the world.....remember? Evelyn and Christen? what am I gonna do without you?" Evelyn pleaded. Christen just chuckled, "Don't you worry for me sis don't let anything happen to the baby or I'll haunt you in death."

A police officer came and pried Evelyn away she saw eight firemen move the Honda civic from Christen slowly. She looked like a pancake from the waist down. A paramedic knelt down, "She's gone." He said with no emotion.

Evelyn clawed at the officer screaming her lungs out. They finally got her on the gurney and all she could do is sit there and feel numb. All Evelyn felt was nothing, blood poured from her head and she didn't care.


Two weeks later.

Evelyn hopped on clutches down the street. She had to go see her Aunt Kirstena. The pain she felt was abnormal but she was on a mission. Against her fathers wishes she left the house, hobbling to the crack house. She'd found her strung out Aunt sitting on the steps. "Hi, Kirstena." Evelyn greeted her flatly. Kirstena used to be a beautiful woman at one point but life and drugs withered her away to almost nothing.

She began to ignore her devious stare and began to tell her about the car crash. She saw Kirstena's eyes light up. "And the baby?" Kirstena asked all too hopeful. Evelyn just rolled her eyes. "By the grace of God he still ticking." "You little shits could never do anything correctly could you?" "Bitch how can you say that about your own son?" "I never gave two fucks for the bastard anyway."

Evelyn felt rage boil inside of her ,"Stupid hoe nobody told you to sleep with my uncle nobody told you to go run off after another man and hurt my uncle nobody told you to get pregnant from a grocery clerk." "You don't talk to me that way. " Kirstena stuck out a bony finger. "You ain't much of shit to talk about bitch!" Evelyn spat. "Michael would have took me back if it weren't for Kingsley." Her Aunt cried. "No, if it wasn't for you screwing my dad he would've took you back you fuckin whore!" Her aunt looked stunned Evelyn smirked folding her arms over her chest. "Thought we didn't know huh? Mike told us everything and dad confirmed it. I'll take care of my baby cousin I love that bastard child you call your son and when he sitting on top of my empire one day swimming in wealth; BITCH DON'T YOU GROW A FUCKIN HEART AND COME LOOKING FOR HIM!!" Evelyn turned smoothly on her heels and hopped off steaming mad. She could hear Kirstena laughing, "when you finally kill that boy you come and see me." Evelyn turned and hobbled back looking at the bitch in disgust. She slammed the butt of her crutch into her Aunts nose. Instantly crushing cartilage Kirstena wailed in pain, as a smile crept up on Evelyn's face. Then she turned around and hopped home rather cheerfully.

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