Tamara Is a Human...Faller...I....Guess...

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4-14-14 ~ Myranda

Okay, I'm not the clumsy one, Tamara is in this story.

Here we are in Gym class, five minutes after the bell. Our teacher hasn't came in the gym yet because he's probably doing stuff.

If any of you that are reading this know about Track, well we have these six by... um...probably ten feet long mats, three maybe two feet high for the high jumping.

Everyone LOVES to jump on them and do flips. I was showing Tamara how to do a long jump because last year I was in Track.

Well, Tamara wanted to just jump.

She ran about twelve feet back when she was two feet away, she jumped.

She kind of landed in the middle and literately rolled of the damn mat.

Well, it was more of a bounce and the roll off the mat. it was still pretty funny because she didn't know what the heck was going on.

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