Blank Canvas

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: Shades of love :


fetus love kind of your
that you lean on to
I'm not into it,
Maybe I'm too much for you
That's why & what you hate.
Let's break up to come back in different;
Only we move in circles & circles, then circles turns into darkness in my walls,I paint over and over in the canvas.

Maybe we could come back again
Like new bloomed roses over the old bushes.

But we know we can never be forevermore,
The times we have sworn to miracle or call it madness we've shored.
Our love departed,
Into symmetrical rays of eternal sunshine
with so much thought of being dead inside
We have been faded
in each other.

we are of living same place
in scapes
at the dream time,

In silence of narcotics.
We grow up somewhere beside the sea bind blobs.

Don't ask,
Don't assume,
But please save me from this death,
Where I live
And all the veins in my body turn as roots of a tree,who's with butterfly effects.
Heart beats drops
The way you make me feel small
The way you say to hold on.
Ashes in blood,
It's not red anymore.
I choke in the air,
Then slowly I burn out of myself
Feel life is as if a video game
We are all running in it to win
But I don't want to race,what if I didn't want to ran in a trap in the first place?
Would we have been happy if nobody had a face?
Would have the forever have not never ended?
Save me before I turn numb,
And couldn't feel,at all.


I lay on the cold floor
A try to forget,
I don't know what to do
with love in my brain.

Don't ask,
but please save me
from this death,
The soul is like the moon
Faraway and strangeness
But a moon is a sun too
Merely lightless..
Where when I live and all the veins inside my body turns to roots of a tree who's affected with butterfly effects. .
I start to choke in the air
Like I can't breathe,
The sky turns too blue
The world looks so beautiful in mocking me
How small I'm in it
Slowly I cool down in the cold floor
Save me before I turn numb
And can't feel anymore.


Lastly in all these chaos
The pounds
of heart and
unknown clockworks.-
The canvas glitches, with all the flautist in me,
the canvas,turns
to blank.

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