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She lay naked under the stars, the night heat blanketing her skin as a few cool wisps licked across her collarbone, her breast, her thigh. Her eyes stared in half slumber, up into the constellations of Taurus and Virgo, up at the sliver of a moon, and her thoughts lulled with the shimmer of silver serenity. She was melding with the earth, and the more she lay, the more she believed that lilies would rise from her crimson locks, and grass would intertwine with her fingers and toes, and bark would armor and transform her body into an eternal tree, that she might watch in undisturbed peace until the earth quaked open from beneath her and the stars and the moon fell down into its womb to be rebirthed into life once more.

Challenge: The words you choose when you are writing a story are very important in setting tone (the mood of the scene). For example, the tone of this piece is very intimate and awe-filled by my choice of words (like the "cool wisps licked" and "shimmer of silver serenity" instead of "she felt the breeze on her skin" and "the stars shining above" which would have made the character's experience more common-place).

Capture a single moment, being very particular with your words to help the reader actually LIVE and empathize in that moment!

Writing Prompts for the Mentally Deranged and Linguistically AddictedWhere stories live. Discover now