Michael x Jeremy(Trans Jeremy AU)

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Suggested by @outdated_computer :3
~Jeremy's POV...again~

(A week before the transition)
I'm so tired of all these 'mean girls'. I get made fun of for being tall all the time. I'm not a super pretty girl...that's why I made the decision to under go surgery to become the opposite gender. I haven't told anybody. I don't even have any friends to tell anyway. It's the last day of school I'm moving to a new one after summer. I'll be male by then. No one will have to know, which means less bullying.

(1st day of high-school)
I walked into my first period class and looked around the room. I saw a boy with mainly dirty blonde hair with a streak of red in the middle. I saw a girl with short black hair, she was pretty cute. There was another boy who had a red hoodie, glasses, and was currently listening to music. There were several other people. However I decided to sit next to the boy in the red hoodie. He saw me sit next to him waved a little and smiled at me. I politely smiled back. The teacher started role call.
"Yo" Rich responded. The teacher scribbled something down in his role book and continued.
"Here" jake said.
"Here" she responded.
My face flushed red. I started rubbing my arm to distract people from my face. It was too late the boy next to me noticed me blushing.
"Do I have a jemima heere?"
"Uh it's-it's actually Jeremy...." I corrected. The class laughed I buried my face in my hands.
"That's odd, that's a pretty weird typo..." the teacher said.
"Mmmhmm typo" I said removing my hands from my face. After that he continued role.
The girl with the short black hair replied "I'm here Mr.Jones"
He smiled and called the next name.
"Here" the boy next to me called out.

Role was over. Mr.Jones introduced himself saying things like "I'm the Track coach, I love running" I zoned out while he talked. I started working people would think it wasn't a typo.
Later on at lunch I sat by myself. That's when Michael sat next to me.
"Jeremy right?" He asked.
"Um yeah" I told him.
"I'm Michael"
I smiled at him. He had a slushee in his hand.
"So what brings you to this school?" Michael asked.
"We moved to this area" I answered. It was a lie the real reason is all the bullying. We've been really close since that conversation.

(Few months later)
Michael and I were playing video games at my place. We were getting stoned so we started saying weird stuff.
"Man I just, I just love your face" I said.
He wasn't as high as me he might not have been high at all.
"Jeremy, I am gay as fuck"
I laughed.
"Hey-hey Michael, are you gay enough to kiss me?" I said jokingly and extremely high.
He blushed and ended up kissing me. "Michael I'm trans" I was high enough that I wouldnt care about his reaction.
He shrugged. "I don't care I love your personality" he said. He spent the night and i binge ate almost the entire time. I woke up sober.
"Jeremy?" Michael asked.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Do you remember anything you said last night?"
"Not really" I said
"You told me you were trans and we kissed" 
  My eyes widened. I immediately started blushing. "We-we did?" I asked.
  He nodded. "Can I tell you something?" He asked
    "Yeah you already know a whole lot about me"
    "I didn't hate it"
My face turned a darker red. "Um..I-I" I stopped. I took a breath in and kissed him again.
   "I didn't hate it either" He smiled.

TWO LONG ONES IN A ROW THANKS FOR THE SUGGESTION!!!!!!!!! Suggest more in the comments!!!

BMC AU one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora