Sooo my cousin did this and I want to copy her

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Yeah, my cousin CeleIsThatOnePerson  did this but WHATEVER IF YOU CARE THEN LEAVE
Ehehm anyways I go to a small all girls school in the middle of Massachusetts (mass is a big state plus it is a boarding school with people from China so you can't tell where I live) And I literally have no friends. I know that I have physical friends but not like my old school in my old school I had sooo many friends on an emotional level I wasn't forcing myself to smile everyday, I was the happy nerdy girl with a lot of friends, some of them I still keep in touch with today. But my new school, I guess I haven't been there long enough to make emotional friends and have resorted to that fake smile again so nobody can figure out on the inside. I always had trouble making friends because I always am the follower nobody ever hears me or cares enough to listen. I am an Introvert so when nobody listens I fade away from the world into my head, or my books, or my video games, or my art, or my writing, I love all that stuff because when I fade away I fade away in to a different world most people wish their favorite characters lived with them in our world but I guess I always wanted to join their world. I am infatuated with the thought of magic. I always imagine me sprouting wings and flying away to a different world. Any ways I got my cousin in love with Throne Of Glass and she still hasn't thanked me for it *hint hint nudge nudge* I'm not all dark and gloomy though mostly but not fully. I am happier around people I love, Cecilia, Annette, Dawn, my mom, and many more people. My biggest trouble in life is my anxiety, and the thing I fear most is not being loved, and clowns, frick those. Well now that I have basically shared everything about me to people I know... Imma go before I tell my secrets. Oh to end on a happier note, I stood up to the homophobes in the video "In a Heartbeat" as a straight supporter. HELL YAH

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