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Yes potato. Don't judge me. I like potatoes. Anyway's My cousin is getting married in a month and I tried on a bunch of dresses I found on that I LOVED a long yellow one with a blue necklace. But EVERYONE loved the other one (Which I dispised) that was a short pink one with flowers. I mean like I'm fine with my body and everything but, when I'm in front of a bunch of people that are about to become my fam, I would rather not have a dress that hugs my body that is short.
On a different note, I just got out of a shower. Now I have one of those 2 in 1 showers with a bathtub and a shower. So I let the water run to get hot then I turned on the shower. You know how the water gets cold in the pipes? Yeah so I was standing in a freezing cold shower and being the dumb dumb that I am I turned the water all the way up. STUPID that water was scorching hot. I also got soap in my eyes.
TERRIBLE SHOWER. ANYWAYS Let's talk about the thing everyone loves or the thing that makes me want to bash my head in with a brick. School. *inhales* GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Now I go to a private school. In said private school I am forced to do a sport every trimester. Now you may not know this but I'm a very lazy potato. I would rather sleep than kick around a soccer ball for 2 hrs. I mean who wouldn't


Ehem anyways I am the lucky one because I actually start classes on the 5th but my school starts on the 31. Anyways school is not that bad. I mean I have a 3 week long Christmas break and a 3 week long spring break sooo that's nice I also get out of school on the 25 of may so yeah.

On of the main reasons school is going to suck this year is because of muzzle writing schedule. Tuesday just happens to be the busiest day of the week. I have no free periods and I have a band practice after school then sports directly after that. Now that would be fine If I would write a chapter the day before but NOOOO I have to be a full time procrastination master. To me, meh Tuesday is so far away I can just write later. Tuesday come around. CRAP I HAVE TO WRITE ROUGLY 1,000 WORDS IN ONE DAY. Like what happened yesterday. Then I write short rushed chapters and I get super annoyed when my parents interrupt me.
Kay I gtg now to go shoe shopping (bleg I hate shopping)

Love an Iron man (iron, fe, man, male, Iron man, female) with very smooth legs

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