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So currently it is Wednesday 5:18am now that already is a annoying time get up. But then you add in the thunder storm at 10:00 and the fact that I didn't fall asleep until 9:30 I am running on 30 mins of sleep not even mentioning the fact that I have a school picnic today. I also have to clean the house... Please just kill me now But anywhosies I read like 5 books that had like 40 chapters each sooo I was kinda productive I guess? I just wanna sleep I should have been writing a new chapter for one of my books but I'm too lazy this chapter is short because I'm too lazy, I'm not sleeping because I'm too lazy, Over all I'm just too lazy and also HOLY MOTHER OF GOODNESS WHY IS IT SOOO DARK OUT SIDE.

Random fact of the day: Cows can have best friends

Feelings and StuffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz