Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A scream cut off, as suddenly as it had started. The girl’s makeup covered face turning red as I watched. She clawed at the hands around her neck but didn’t have the strength to do it, especially not now with the lack of oxygen making her weak. Not that when she was perfectly okay she would have had a chance, a human against a vampire was an unfair match. I doubt that this was what she had in mind when she had decided to go out clubbing with her friends.

I rolled my eyes becoming bored. With a simple action and a loud crack, her neck was broken and I let go of her, allowing her body to gracelessly fall to the ground, her head hitting the stairs of a nearby entrance, drawing blood. I stared fascinated as the blood welled and went down her forehead all of a sudden thirsty for the red liquid that could, right now, be flowing abundantly from her body, she didn’t have any use for it anymore. I could smell the blood, such a vibrant red unlike the dyed hair colour that the girl had, freshly dyed I could tell as I also was aware of the smell of chemicals.

I felt my eyes darken with desire, and I hissed as Theo came closer to me and the girl that I hadn’t taken my eyes off of. Warning him to stay away from my prey, but it was a warning that was discarded. He stepped in between me and the girl, and placed his hands on my shoulders shaking me out of the spell that had come over me.

“Come on now,” Theo sighed, a distinct English accent affecting his words. “You’ve already eaten before we left tonight. You need to begin to learn to curb your appetite and stay in control.”

I listened to his words, understanding them but not quite having them sink in. Not while I was distracted with the blood. What a waste. Theo seemed to realize this for he pulled me away from the alley.

I blinked, becoming more myself the further away I got. “What about the other girl?” I asked, remembering that the girl I killed had been with her friend when they had the unfortunate fate of crossing paths with us.

Theo shrugged, frowning as the wind dust into his face and messed up his light brown hair. “She’s alive.” He wiped away a lingering trace of red from his lips. “She may be down a pint or two but she’ll live, with no memory of me or what I am, just that she and her friend were attacked, and she came out the lucky one.” He raised an eyebrow, “unless you’ll kill her as well?” His green eyes showed his annoyance. “It’s been a year; you should be able to restrain yourself by now.”

I didn’t say anything, knowing that whatever I would say wouldn’t be good enough. This was quite a regular occurrence in the last little while. Apparently I didn’t meet his standards of being a vampire. Who knew vampires had standards.

Theo studied me for a while. “Unless, you don’t want to restrain yourself and you don’t care who gets hurt?

My eyes snapped to his. “How can you say that?”

“I’m just calling it like I see it. You say you care but then you do things like this and seemingly without another thought. Maybe you’re hanging out with the wrong group of vampires; I think I can get you in touch with the ruthless, psychopath murdering vampires. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to jump on the: no harm to humans bandwagon but when you kill each and every human who has the misfortune to encounter you it becomes a pain to clean up. You seem to do it only for the sake of killing a human, which is a lot of the time. There are humans who more deserve it than that girl.”

“What do you want me to say? Sorry? Well fine, I’m sorry.”

Theo closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. “Yeah now you are, but when your vampire instincts kick in like they had just a moment ago you don’t care. And those are the times I’m afraid for you.”

Hunter Academy 3: Blood TiesWhere stories live. Discover now