Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I didn’t stop running until I arrived at the Victorian style house that served as a base for the vampires I hung around with. There were no lights illuminating the rooms but that didn’t exactly mean anything considering vampires could see well without the aid of light. The only way to find out who was around was to go inside.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open, checking to see if anyone was around. I didn’t exactly want them to question me about what happened. The coast looked clear so I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

I made a move towards the huge oak staircase. My foot touched the first step.

“You’re back earlier than I thought you would be,” Theo said from behind me. I spun around. I guess I was still getting used to my vampire senses because older vampires could always sneak up on me. It was annoying.

Theo was leaning against a wall in a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. His blond hair was dark and slick with water. Now that I concentrated I could smell the scent of soap coming from his direction.

“How do you always manage do that without me noticing?” I demanded.

Theo smirked. “Why? Jealous?” I scowled at him. “Don’t worry newbie, you’ll learn, eventually. Now, why are you back so early? You came back only an hour or so later than I did. I thought you said the night was still young? Unless you ran into trouble, trouble you couldn’t handle alone?” When my silence was confirmation he shook his head causing water droplets to go flying from his hair. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go alone, but I ignored my better judgement. What kind of trouble?”

“Well obviously I handled the trouble. I am standing here, aren’t I?” I pointed out. Theo narrowed his eyes. “There were a few hunters at the club I went to after I left you. But they didn’t catch me.” I wasn’t going to mention how close my escape was.

“Yeah, but what about the next time, the next time hunters spot you? You have to be more careful. I thought considering you’re past that you would be more wary of hunters.”

He didn’t outright say that I had been a hunter but I knew that was what he was implying. Only a select few knew about my past, so to prevent the other vampires in this group from trying to kill me.

“I am plenty aware. I just don’t really feel like they’re a big threat,” I shrugged.

Theo walked closer to me. “Are you sure? What about if the hunters recognized you and alerted your past friends about your whereabouts? Are you telling me after moving far away from where you used to live that you’d be fine with parts of your old life coming back? You want to deal with their attempts to save you, to help you deal with your,” Theo’s lips twisted into a slight smile, “vampire affliction? Do you think it would safe for them to show up especially now with the state you’re in? You would most likely end up killing them.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I muttered.

Theo nodded and went past me up the stairs. I stood there for a bit more thinking about what he had said then dismissed it. That scenario wouldn’t ever happen so why should I worry about it.

I went to my room and changed out of my clothes into a hoodie and some worn pair of jeans. Then I went to the basement, pausing to knock before I went into the basement. A gruff voice responded and I went down. The musty smell hit me and I made a face. Vampire sense of smell had its downfalls.

“What can I do for you, Damien?” I didn’t say anything as I made my way to a couch and sat down, sinking into the comfortable cushions.

The man speaking was a vampire of course; he was in charge of the vampires who took refuge in this house. He also owned a few other houses around the city but this was the main one. Cael looked like he was in his late twenties but I had no idea what age he actually was. He was one of the most powerful vampires in Toronto. He had found me stumbling around after I had been turned into a vampire, half delirious with hunger and confused. He took me in, taught me how to be in control of my vampire urges.

After Alexandria had gone back with the angels I had moved away, moved out of British Columbia, without telling anyone. And for a few months I just lived a normal life. Which I supposed was where I made my first mistake. I refused to do anything that reminded me of the life I left behind and so wasn’t up to fighting shape.

Then one night when I was walking home at night I was attacked by a vampire, and while I had a stake in my pocket I was quickly overpowered by the vampire. When he bit me I simply thought he would drain me and leave me for dead but he must have seen some potential in me, because he turned me.

The vampire who turned me? Elijah, goes by the name Eli, happens to be the other most powerful vampire in the city. Unbeknownst to the humans who lived here, there was a war going on, there had been for a long time. The hunters weren’t even aware of the fact that there was a turf war going on. These vampires were pros at concealing their plans and business.

Eli’s strategy was to turn humans into vampires to increase the numbers on his side. He wanted to control the city, Cael doesn’t, he just wants to see Eli defeated. They have some kind of history so when Eli revealed his plans Cael stepped up to be the opposition. Most of the vampires on his side were the ones who didn’t want to be vicious ruthless killers like the Eli’s vampires. Problem was too many vampires wanted to do exactly that, so they were all out supporting Eli.

Some of the vampires are only on Cael's team because they can’t get out of the city. Eli is making sure no vampires get out. So the choice available to vampires is fight or die. And Eli’s side seems like the winning side.

Cael wasn’t backing down despite the fact that the odds were against him, and vampires on his side occasionally tried to switch sides. They died, to one, set an example, two; make sure the side didn’t gain too many vampires and three, keep our strategies a secret. Cael still needed a miracle to win.

For now the war hadn’t really started, the two sides were trying to gather strength and improve their strategies. There were a few fights between vampires but the bloodshed was kept to a minimum. Nothing like what faced us if we couldn’t find a way to stop this war without outright war.

“I just wanted to see if you’ve found out anything new?” I asked. Cael sighed and ran his hands through his black hair. He shook his head. “When was the last time you ate?” his usually vibrant grey eyes were almost black.” Without waiting for a reply I went to the special fridge that stored blood and threw him a bag of blood. “You can’t keep pushing yourself like this. And sorry, microwaves broken, so it’s cold blood for everybody.”

Cael chucked and bit into the bag. When I was human, a vampire drinking blood in front of me like that would have grossed me out. Now I hand to restrain my desire. I needed to pace myself, start building up a resistance. I couldn’t keep needing to drink so much blood and so often. He was quickly finished and he wiped his chin, brushing away the little trails of blood that had dribbled down his chin and neck.

“Thanks, and you know I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”

I nodded. “I know, I just thought it couldn’t hurt to ask.”

“Yeah, although I do have a job for you, you and Theo,” Cael remembered. He searched the mess of papers on his desk and pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. There was no name on it. Keeping the envelope shut was a wax seal of a lion.

“A wax seal,” I exclaimed, “wow you are old.”

Cael rolled his eyes. “Funny, just deliver it to this address; Theo will know who it’s for.” I shrugged and turned to go upstairs, and ran in to Theo.

I swore. “Stop sneaking up on me.”

Theo made a face at me. “Get used to it. Let’s go deliver the envelope.”

Hunter Academy 3: Blood TiesWhere stories live. Discover now