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Vivian got to the beach at 7:58 am. She looked around, it was only her and 6 others, she was surprised. She set out her towel and laid on her stomach, letting the sun rays penetrate her skin. She waited almost all day before he arrived. This time he walked right up to her. She stood up and he was within inches of her. They both wished to fill the gap. Her body was riddled with goosebumps. He spoke in a deep voice, "Hello, I'm August."
"Hello August, I'm Vivian.
Vivian Lockwood" she muttered in hushed, delicate tones as if though she was in a library, even though she was just breathless.
"Vivian Lockwood, suits you"
"And why is that?"
"It's regal, not to mention it sounds like
a name one may have if they have a 4.0"
"Thank you, I guess. August is quite suiting you you."
"How so miss Vivian" he had a subtle smirk on his face.
"I can't quite pin it down. It seems like
a very free spirited name."
" Hmmm..."
" So Vivian Lockwood, tell me about yourself."
"Ok... I'm 17 and I am junior at Riverdale Country School in Bronx, New York. Although, I live in Manhattan in the SoHo district. I have a 4.0 GPA, and I'm my free time I like to study paintings of the renaissance. I also love to read the works of Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Sylvia Plath, and I quite enjoy Harper Lee's "How to Kill a Mockingbird"
"Oh wow."
"I haven't scared you off yet?"
"No I'm actually quite intrigued"
"So August, what about you?"
"Well... my mom is from Hawaii, my father from New York, like yourself, I have 2 best friends, Embry and Kelani, and I have a little brother named Kai. I too like to read but I prefer fantasy. My favorite food is cha sui boa, a local dish my mother makes. And my favorite thing to study is Astronomy. Also, I love to surf. Oh, and I'm 18, just turned actually."
"Happy belated birthday."
"Thank you"
"Your welcome. August?"
"What is your last name?"
"Aronson. August Alika Aronson"
"Yeah, it means guardian, it was my mom's choice, it's Hawaiian. August means majestic dignity. Apparently my parents had big plans for me. What is your full name Viv?"
"What did you call me?"
"Why Viv?"
"Vivian sounds so intense, I wanted to call you Viv."
"Oh... ok, I've never had a nickname before, my parents don't like nicknames."
"Of course, so about that full name"
"Vivian Fauve, both names are French. Vivian means full of life and Fauve means wild. I don't think it suits me though, I am an extremely obedient person."
"I think your underestimating yourself Viv."
The sky grew darker and darker, they both knew they had to leave.
"August will I see you again?"
"Tomorrow. Be here at 6:30 am."
"Secret, just be here"
"Ok..." Vivian agreed reluctantly.

June to August Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ