6:30 am - Sharp

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Vivian stepped foot on the sand at 6:30. She was not a morning person, but she wasn't going to decline the offer to spend more time with August.
As August sauntered over to her he had a sly smile... and two boards."
"Hey Viv"
"Good morning August"
"Good morning to you as well"
"So why did you have me wake up this early?"
He gestured to the boards, and Vivian looked over at the crashing waves.
"Early morning or sunset sessions are almost always best"
"Oh, ok"
August looked at Vivian up and down. She was wearing shorts and a t- shirt, her hair was pulled back.
"So Viv, got a bathing suit?"
"Yeah, it's under my clothes."
Vivian removed her shorts, exposing her long legs of silk. August took a deep breath. She then removed her shirt and hair tie, letting her hair fall to the bottom of her shoulder blades.
"Are you ready Viv?"
"As I'll ever be."
Vivian followed August into the ocean and he had her lay on her stomach to learn how to paddle. August reached over her and taught her how to paddle. His hand brushed to small of her back and she immediately had cold chills. He looked at her quizzically and smiled, seeing he had effected her. She eventually learned how to paddle out, that was the easiest thing, standing up was difficult. Vivian made several attempts to stand up but she never could, she always fell in. Until, Vivian noticed a wave far off in the distance, Vivian paddled out just as August has taught her and as the wave approached she stood up and rode the wave. For about 4 seconds. When Vivian came back up from the wipeout she was waist deep, August was right there. Inches from hers. Their eyes looked deep into one another and they both took a step. Their noses touched and Vivian trembled.
"August Ive never done this" Vivian whispered.
"It's ok" you could barely hear him. Their mouths met and she melted into him, she let go of everything she thought she knew, Every stroke of their lips was gentle, yet so passionate. It was like her face was made for him. His hand moved across her hip as he pulled her closer, her hands ran down his chest, her fingertips soaking in each drop of water. As their lips parted, August smiled. They didn't speak, they languished in the silence and stayed close.
"I had a great time today August"
"Same here Viv, glad I could teach you so much" he winked.
" When will I see you again?"
"How about tomorrow night at 6 when I pick you up for dinner with my family?"
"That sounds amazing, but I don't know if your family will like me."
"They will, trust me, are you in?"
"Bye Viv" August whispered to her as he grazed her earlobe with the lips that had kissed hers only hours ago. She got cold chills again, of course he laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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