All I Want For Christmas Is You

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This chapter goes out to my girl @corythecat, thanks for the request.

           "Are you sure you wouldn't be home this Christmas?" I asked with a little hope in my voice although I already knew his reply.

           "Betty, I would love to but you know I still have three book signings and two meetings with the publishers." He replied with a tone of sadness in his voice.

          "Okay, just be home safe." I said with a sigh.

          "Bye, see you next year, hopefully. I love you." He said.

          "I love you too." I said before hanging up.

          Jughead and I had been dating for five years but he was now a New York bestseller travelling the world while I was a renowned journalist. Although we were not married, we lived together in an apartment(even though Jughead was never there, kind of making it my apartment) in New York but I still thought that he would come home, for crying out loud it was Christmas. I could imagine myself sitting in front of a fireplace (we didn't have one but don't forget I was imaging), drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, without the love of my life. I just couldn't imagine being without Jughead, I would rather be drunk that night  than be without him but I didn't want to do anything I will regret the next day so I decided to stay home that dreadful day.



          I stood at the balcony of my room on Christmas Eve, feeling the cold air brush against my tear stained face, my left hand holding up the blanket I had used to shield me from the cold night and my right hand twirling a glass of champagne. I had been crying for a long while because I kept remembering that Jughead wasn't going to be there, he was never there anymore. As I downed the rest of the content in the glass, I made up my mind that the next time I saw Jughead I was going to breakup with him, I loved him and I knew he loved me too but we were never there for each other so it was the best for us and with that decision I went back into my room with a fresh set of tears falling again.


          It was Christmas day but I was still in bed(I mean it's not like I had anything to do) but after mentally debating with myself, I dragged my lazy butt downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal(after brushing my teeth, duh).It wasn't until when I had gone to sit down I noticed the raven haired man.

         "Juggie." I said running up to him and almost dropping my bowl of cereal. "What are you doing here?" I asked stopping few inches from him.

         "Well, I realized that I have not been there for you, so I rescheduled my plans to next year, so that we would be together." he replied before pulling me close and kissing me which I didn't hesitate to return. I felt so stupid for my overacting yesterday night. "by the way, get ready we are going out for a dinner date, christmas style." he continued, giving me another kiss. I didn't realize I had missed his kisses so much.


         Jughead and I sat, filled to the brim, at our table.

         "I know you are full but you have to try their christmas pudding, you know in some countries whatever you find in the pudding you keep it." Jughead said.

         "Thanks for the lecture honey, I am full but since you insist, I will have one.

           While Jughead ordered a plate of christmas pudding, I contemplated telling him about my thoughts of last night.

          "You know Jughead..... " I started before being interrupted by the waiter dropping my order in front of me which I started eating.

         "What?" he replied.

         "I actually wanted to breakup with you the next time we were to meet." I said, Jughead's expression was both funny and heartbreaking at the same time, "but you being you changed my mind." I continued.

        "Well, maybe after this night, you will change your mind forever." Jughead replied.

         I was about to reply when I almost choked on something ​in my christmas pudding. I pulled the object out to reveal a beautiful ring with a diamond encrusted in its core.

        "Will you marry me?" He asked.

        "You idiot."  I almost screamed.

        "You don't like it? " Jughead asked with his eyes wide with shock.

         "I almost choked on the ring, I can't marry you if I am dead, " I said, "And yes, I will marry you." I continued before he leaned in and kissed me before we were interrupted by the awws and ohhs of the people in the restaurant who were apparently watching.

         "You are still paying."  I said smiling.

Bughead (Betty and Jughead) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now