2- Reunited

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I didn't even realize I was pacing around until Professor Pikalus grabbed my shoulders so I would stop. "Cody, chill." He ordered sharply, moving me back to my position but didn't let go yet. "They'll be here any moment now."

I glanced up at the elevator and gulped. "What if something goes wrong? When we first when up the elevator, a bomb went off midway and we were delayed. And hurt! What if that happens?" I spoke so fast, I was surprised that Pikalus could even keep up with me.

The scientist rolled his eyes and muttered something snarky under his breath before locking eyes with me. "We were most likely sabotaged by KrakenKid or one of his associates, and I highly doubt he's going to sabotage himself. It's fine, Cody. Everything is going smoothly."

I twitched. "Too smoothly. When's the last time anything went smoothly for me? Something's going to go wrong! It will! The universe hates me and it's going to take me away from him!" Fear rose into my heart and I grabbed onto Pikalus and shook him. "I can't lose him again, Pikalus! Not again!"

Professor recovered as fast as he could before acting as my anchor and keeping me steady. "You're not going to. I made this elevator and most of these preparations. Don't trust the universe? Trust me then. I'm going to get you back to him, I promise."

All it took was that simple sentence for my heart rate to slow down. Not exactly calm down, but it sure was a start.

"They're almost here!" PebbleTeen called, coming outside and flapping her wings impatiently. "Places everyone! Places!"

I glanced at Professor Pikalus for support and got a firm nod. Taking in a shaky breath, I gave one back and focused in on the entrance. I could hear the elevator slow down, meaning that the people on it would soon step out and into Atlantis. When it came to a full stop, I found myself holding my breath.

PebbleTeen was peeking inside, and suddenly her eyes widened and her feathers ruffled. "Incoming!" She warned, giving everyone a few seconds to prepare for what was just about to come out. I took a few steps closer to the entrance, but soon regretted my decision.

A fuming kraken soon stormed out of it, his eyes now glaring at everything in his sight. Several bandages were wrapped around various parts of his body, and while some looked new, others were bloodsoaked. "Think he's angry?" Professor whispered as KrakenKid looked everywhere.

KrakenKid finally looked to his left and spotted me. "PENGUIN!" He roared, pulling out some empty bullet cartridges and throwing them at me. I had to duck to avoid getting hit in the face.

"Yeah, I do." I hissed back. Many guards wanted to attack him but I was the one thing holding them back, signalling for them to do nothing.

KrakenKid marched right up to me, pulled back his dominant arm and delivered a hardy punch to the face, right on me. Pain blossomed in my face but as I stumbled back, he grabbed my collar bone as best as he could and pulled me forward until we were face to face. "Do you have any idea what a pain this mission has been? He's an idiot! I had to save his life at least five times, and nearly died an equal amount of times! I sacrificed some of my tentacles for him!"

He slightly loosened his grip on me and relaxed enough to make me feel like I probably wasn't going to get stabbed. "And because I'm in a lot of pain, and you're little package barely is, I better get a bonus! Capeesh?"

I nodded as quickly as I could. "Capeesh! Okay! Just let go!" I said quickly. Something told me that if I didn't agree, I'd earn a bullet in my head.

KrakenKid studied me to make sure I wasn't lying before suddenly releasing me. I stumbled a bit before regaining balance. Professor offered me a hand but I declined, straightening up myself. "Now," I said softly, the wind still knocked out of me. "Where is he?"

KrakenKid took a step back and huffed. "Still in the elevator. He's adjusting to the new changes and "Overflow of magical crap" or something. He'll be out in a second."

Right as he finished speaking, PebbleTeen called another heads up. Not a second later, he stepped out. A chicken wearing a strange blue cloak, but it was still him nonetheless.

My brother, Joe. He was back.

KrakenKid grunted. "Speak of the devil. HEY! CHICKEN BOY! OVER HERE!" He boomed, startling Joe at first but he still managed to grab his attention and make him spin around to face them. His blue eyes wandered before fixating on me.

The world seemed to stop. In that second, nothing else mattered except that he was real, alive, and here.

I took a step forward, but a certain purple figure blocked me from getting to him. My brown eyes met his yellow ones, looking for an explanation.

"You held up your end of the deal?" KrakenKid raised his eyebrows skeptically. "Conch Command is safe? We have the money? Everyone in it is safe?" I nodded. KrakenKid paused. "And you aren't lying? Because if I go back and see that you have touched a single hair on Blooper's head, I will murder your brother in his sleep and enslave you, force you to bury him and do my will for all of eternity and keep you alive so you can spend every second of your miserable, penguin life without him and knowing that-"

I quickly put my hands up. "Sheesh, yes! He's fine! I haven't even been to the Conch Command!"

KrakenKid narrowed his eyes. "Good." He held his gaze before moving out of the way. "Go nuts then."

As soon as I could, I bolted right for Joe and tackled him with the biggest hug I could manage. "Hey Cody-Oof!" Joe tried to make conversation but was cut off by me sending both of us to the ground. "Awesome to see you too!" He said in a strained voice, still smiling.

"JOE!" I screamed, squeezing tighter. "I can't believe it's really you! Is this real life? Is this actually happening?"

Joe coughed. "Yes, yes, and you're kinda crushing me right now! Love you too bro but I'd like to live so I can hug you back!"

I let out a small gasp in realization and backed off, allowing him to get up. "S-sorry man, I just... I can't believe it's really you!" I could feel happy tears begin to fall from my face but I quickly wiped them away.

Joe steadied himself before looking up at me, and hugging right back. For a second, I could have sworn he was crying too. "Yeah... The feeling is mutual."

We hugged each other and refused to let go. The world could have ended right then and there, and still the only thing that would matter would be that we were finally together after all this time.

"I missed you so much..." He whispered in my ear.

I sniffed and laughed lightly. "The feeling is mutual."


Kinda a short one but I liked this one!

This is basically "What if Joe was sane when KrakenKid found him, and Professor and Cody didn't get in a fight?" sorta thing!

Does this count as Cody and Joe bro time or do I need to do more?

This was requested by @Always4HarryPotter , @TristanDodd9 , and @KittycatArtwork 

Crap that's a lot of people...

Anyways, I hope you found this to be fluffy and satisfactory to your "Cody and Joe bro time" needs. Be sure to comment, and goodbye!


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