4- Dancing Queen

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Third Person

KrakenKid shot in the air, making everyone in the bank scream and duck down. Behind him, CannibalCrab cocked his gun and Bruce kracked his knuckles. "Attention Atlanteans!" He called out, now pointing his gun around the room, making them all freeze in place and stare in horror. "Get on the ground! This is a robbery if you couldn't tell!"

Instantly, they all obeyed, most going to the corner of the room while the Bank Tellers all held up their hands and backed away from the desks. The guards tried to charge at them, but CannibalCrab shut them down with a simple swing, hitting them right in the jaw with his gun.

KrakenKid tsked, shaking his head. Illithids began to invade the area, blocking off exits and keeping an eye on the civilians. "See, that's what happens when you resist. Don't be like that guy, and nobody will get hurt. Now," The kraken swam right up to the counter, putting his gun back on the sling on his back and slamming his curled tentacles on the desk. All the Bank Tellers jumped but otherwise kept deadly still. "Let's open the vaults, shall we?"

An older woman, probably in her 40's or so with dark brown hair and blue eyes nodded and stood up. A name tag on her vest read the name "Becky". Becky kept her hands up as she slowly made her way to the door and opened it up with a key card. KrakenKid signaled Cannibal and Bruce to follow them, and they moved to the back of the bank.

There, at the back, she slipped in another keycard and trapdoors opened up, revealing the lower vaults. KrakenKid nodded for her to go in first, and she obeyed, letting herself fall to the bottom. KrakenKid waited before doing the same, his generals right behind him.

At the bottom, there were a couple more doors that required the keycard before they entered the vaults.

They moved inside, taking out cameras and security as they did with Becky shrinking down whenever they fired their weapons. When they came upon the first vault, KrakenKid grinned. Gold, silver, precious gems and plenty of personal safes were all lined up for him to take.

He turned to his generals. "I'm going to raid this one, you two move ahead. I've got our backs, alright?" He told them, getting a nod before they continued on. KrakenKid watched them leave, glanced at the entrance before he began to take it all.

He brought a sack with him, and though it wasn't too classy, it worked pretty well. By the end of it, the brown sack was filled to the brim with things that could last them the whole year.

He smirked to himself. "Too easy." He mumbled. His eyes went to the rooms up ahead, and the entrance again before it came to him: He had nothing to do.

He sighed and leaned up against the wall, staring at the entrance and realizing he should have gone on. Too late now though, might as well deal with it.

As he sat in silence, he began to notice the music that was playing throughout the bank. He was so caught up in the moment before that he hadn't even noticed it. Though he didn't get the first song before it ended, a new one came on that he knew all too well.

I stay out too late. Got nothing on my brain. That's what people say, mm-mm. That's what people say, mm-mm.

KrakenKid sighed. "Taylor Swift... Right..." KrakenKid wasn't the one for pop music, but he didn't mind it. He heard this song about a million times, and then some since it came out. It was a bigger hit than the Spice Girls, the previous favorite by the Conch Command. Why they favored all of that music over anything else, he didn't know.

It took a moment, but eventually he found himself listening in and bobbing his head along. Sooner than he even thought he would, he began to sing along. "But I keep cruising. Can't stop, won't stop, moving! It's like I've got this music, in my mind singing "It's gonna be alright"!"

KrakenKid smiled as the chorus came on. He glanced around before he moved to the rhythm, moving his hips from side to side quickly and closing his eyes to immerse himself into it. "'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play! And the Penguin's gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate! Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!" KrakenKid switched his movements to some spinning around and shimmying. "I shake it off! I shake it off!"

At this point, KrakenKid didn't hold back and began to prance around the room, dancing like no one was watching. "Cannibal's heart's gonna break, break, break, break, break! And Pickles' is gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake! Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! I shake it off! I shake it off!"

KrakenKid's eyes flew open and his mouth opened to say the next verse, but when he turned, CannibalCrab was there, staring at him. He faltered, mouth hanging open and his heart dropping.

CannibalCrab had a smile on his face but didn't say anything for a while. "Wow!" He exclaimed suddenly, laughing as he did. "Having fun, are we?"

KrakenKid crossed his arms self consciously and glanced down. He felt his face heat up. "...Shut up."

"Not in a million years!" Cannibal laughed. "And come on! I can dance better than that!"

KrakenKid's head shot up and he scoffed. Really? He could dance better? Bull crap. "No you can't!"

"You wanna bet?" CannibalCrab narrowed his eyes and began to dance as well. He moved his arms left and right, making a soft snapping sound as he swayed. "I'm dancing on my own! I make the moves up as I go!" He winked, then switched to side stepping to the beat. "And that's what they don't know, mm-mm! That's what they don't know, mm-mm!"

KrakenKid took this as not only a personal offense, but a challenge. He began to dance right in front of him, doing the same moves as before but now with newfound energy.

They both sang to the chorus when it came. "Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! Shake it off! Shake it off!" They both sung, but as they spun around, they stopped when this time, it was Bruce and the Bank Teller Becky looking at them.

Bruce shook his head slowly, his eyes half lidded while Becky was one more second of watching it away from bursting out laughing.

Both CannibalCrab and KrakenKid's faces heated up from this. "YOU SAW NOTHING!" They shouted in unison.

Bruce huffed before moving past them. "Bruce wishes he didn't." He mumbled as he passed.


Okay, I was in the middle of a request, then I came up with this while in the store and I had to. It's short, but I found it funny.

I chose "Shake It Off" Because it was stuck in my head and I just wanted it to be that song.

CannibalCrab and KrakenKid at the end, have a bit of a dance battle. Originally, I was just going to have Cannibal judge him but I decided he was gonna join in!

I hope you like this little short because I certainly had fun with it. Be sure to comment, and I'll see you guys later!


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