Chapter 2: New

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Trinity's POV

I walked into the house feeling light and happy as if I were floating on air.

Jacob's jacket was comforting - like one of his hugs - and I was reluctant to take it off and put it away. Were it not a completely crazy, I would've thrown it over me like a blanket and fallen asleep with his smell all over me.

Flopping down on the couch, my gaze fixated on the ceiling, I tried to figure out what was happening with me...I never connected with anyone immediately...but when Jacob spoke to me in the water it was like he had me already.

I didn't even tell him, when we spoke, that he needed to earn the right to call me Trinity, because my name was sacred to me. I could somehow tell he wouldn't use it out of turn.

I don't know what it was...something about him just pulled me in. It could've been been physical, or something else, something under the surface...I found myself just wanting to know him better...and to share with him things that normally were hard to say, keep the caution bottled up instead.

Clearly, I was feeling things and I was sure that couldn't be a good thing...part of me was still a mess...still fucked up from the past...That in combination with all the missed calls I was fielding...meant I couldn't let my feelings get away from me right now...

And so I would just have to try and stay in control.

He was just like any other guy I told myself and then corrected myself, because from the time we'd met I realized that wasn't entirely true.

During our time together I had figured out he had to have been a werewolf. It came as somewhat of a surprise, but after consideration I found that the detail was minor to me. What was one more set of paws in my life.

The thought made me laugh...and when I did I couldn't help but think of how sweet Jacob's laugh was.

Sighing, I dug a half finished novel out of my bag and tried to use it to fill my head. I only got about halfway through the next chapter, before there was a knock on the door.

Which sent a bout of panic through me that I quickly shook off. There was no need for me to be so paranoid. Irritated maybe. As it was I trudged over to the door, saving the groan I could feel bubbling to the surface.

I opened it warily to see two pale people huddled under an umbrella. I blinked, wondering about these unexpected strangers.

"Hi, my name is Bella, and well, this is my boyfriend Edward - I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." Bella uttered almost under her breath.

She didn't sound welcoming at all, more reserved as she blushed scarlet, and I wondered who put her up to coming down here and playing the hospitality committee.

Nodding to acknowledge her, I expressionlessly glanced over at Edward, the man with her...and then did a double-take because although I'd never seen one before, I knew a vampire when I saw one almost as well as I knew a wolf.

Automatically taking a half a step back at his dark eyes, I glanced back at Bella, hesitating when hers were too brown and warm. Not to mention the flushed skin.

I had to reassess the situation, thinking that I must've arrived in Sleepy Hollow or Wonderland, not Washington.

The amount of supernatural creatures I was encountering just on day one, was astounding. In the most casual voice I could manage, guard up, I uttered "I'm Troy Marx," my eyes not leaving him.

"Boa noite," Edward said smoothly, looking very amused as I looked more nervous.

I mumbled back "Muito prazer." as a reflex, not totally comprehending what the vampire had said.

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