Villains Return

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Team Flash and the Elite Force were sitting at Star Labs talking about the return of Crane, a bionic human who became obsessed with power and even created his own bionic army, who were then placed in an academy called the Bionic Island. Strangely though, none of the soldiers had any memory of Crane after they killed him, or at least they thought they did. "So this Crane was ordering the shapeshifters we just fought to steal the space rock better known as what exactly?" Cisco asked the Elite Force. Oliver pulled out a flash drive from his pocket and plugged it into the main computer. "This rock is called the Arcturion, a powerful space rock that is extremely dangerous in our world." He said as the information showed up on the screens. "If anyone gets direct contact with it they could be killed, but me, Kaz, and Bree made indirect contact with the rock and it gave us our superpowers." At first, Oliver smiled, but it quickly faded as if something else was on his mind.

Skylar walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. "I-I'm fine, thanks," Oliver said to her. Skylar shook her head and rolled her eyes, she knew him better than that. She looked at him straight in the eyes. "Stop pretending, I know what you're thinking." She said. Before Oliver could say anything back, Skylar leaned in and kissed him. After they kissed Oliver's eyes were wide with surprise. "Oh come on," Skylar said. "You've been wanting me to do that since we met, don't think I haven't noticed." Oliver blushed a bit and smiled, he was also a little embarrassed. "How did you know?" He asked while rubbing his head. The rest of the kids looked at him. "Everyone knows." They said.

Everyone in the room started laughing, but was interrupted by Cisco having another vibe. In the vibe, he saw four people coming into Central City. Two of them he had never seen before, but the other two were Reverse-Flash and the other person was blurred out, Cisco couldn't see them. "Guys we got a big problem." He said heading to his computer. "Thawne is back, and he's got some new friends." He started scanning the city for a location on Reverse-Flash and the newcomers.

Suddenly a yellow blur appeared at Star Labs. It was Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash. Eobard looked at everyone, his eyes glowing bright pink, normally they'd glow a bright red. "Hello Flash, Elite Force." He said smiling. "So you know about my new crew do you?" Suddenly a green blast hit Chase knocking him unconscious. "Crane!" Adam shouted, pointing at the entrance.

Everyone turned to see Crane. He was a man who had metal on and inside half of his head. Cisco looked at Chase who was waking up a little dazed. His eyes lit up again but this time they turned green. Chase got up and walked towards Crane. "Go on, finish the job," Crane told him and smiled.

At first, Chase did nothing, but then turned to look at the group. Adam, Bree, and Leo were suddenly struck with fear. "Chase whatever he's having you don't do it," Leo told him. "Control the Triton App, this isn't..." Before he could finish, Chase pushed his hand out and forced everyone back.

As everyone struggled to get up another person walked into the Coretex. "Now I hear the Arcturion is in this building." A man's voice said. "Where is it, Chase?" As Chase scanned the entire building, Oliver looked at where the voice came from and was angered and shocked by what he saw. "Laboratory in the next room Mr. Terror," Chase said.

Pleased with the accomplishment, Mr. Terror started walking towards the lab. Just before Mr. Terror could reach the room, Oliver blasted water at the mask that the villain wore. "How dare you!" A woman's voice called out to him.

The woman looked at Oliver as he stood in front of the lab. "They locked you up." He said, angry at the woman. "What are you doing here." The woman got to her feet and tried to walk towards him but he backed away. "Oliver, I know you hate me, and why." She said almost crying. "But I meant what I said before, I'm doing all of this to protect you, my son. You know I would never hurt you, please just let me have the Arcturion." Oliver shook his head and stepped closer to her.

He pulled out a blaster from her robe and put it into her hand, then he pointed it at his chest. "I don't need your protection Mom," Oliver told her as she shook her head in fear. "Please don't make me do this Oliver." She begged. "If you're going to choose your power over me, then prove it," Oliver told her.

Oliver's mother kept looking back and forth at her son and the Arcturion, she had already caused so much damage in his life being a supervillain. "Come on Bridget, what're you waiting for?" Eobard asked her in frustration. "This is your chance to destroy what's holding you back, finish it." Bridget's emotion changed from fear to strength. There was a wave of anger burning inside her, it was time to come out. "You're right, something is holding me back." She said turning towards Eobard. "But it's not Oliver, goodbye Eobard." She raised the blaster and pointed it at him and fired.

Instead of hitting him, the blast went through him and hit Julian instead. "Julian no, please no!" Caitlin said as she grabbed Julian and held him in her arms in tears. "You knew it wouldn't work on you," Bridget told Eobard. Eobard smiled and watched as Julian disintegrated in Caitlin's arms. "You can't kill a dead man Bridget." He said as he turned back towards her. He held out his hand and started phasing it, but before he reached Bridget's chest, Caitlin got his attention. "You took someone away from me," Caitlin said with her eyes glowing silver. "Allow me to return the favor." She held her hand out and blasted Crane, disabling the mind control.

Chase snapped out of it and forced Crane backward. Eobard quickly sped around and grabbed the Arcturion and opened it in front of Caitlin. The radiation blasted her and she started to groan in pain. Suddenly Caitlin started to split into two Caitlin's. Once the split was finished, the second Caitlin turned towards her. The new Caitlin had white hair and silver eyes, she wore the blue outfit Savitar gave her before. Caitlin had her brown hair and brown eyes and wore a Star Labs shirt and jeans. "Hey, girl." Killer Frost said, holding out her hand which was fogged with ice and fog. "Miss me?"

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