Details for upcoming books

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Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know that this book will be ending in a few chapters. Aside from that, I got an awesome opportunity with some of my readers to be involved with the storyline, and I would love to do it more often. If you would like to be involved in any of my stories, I will be putting a list of options. This list shows books that are either still in the works, or soon to come. You also don't have to choose just one. Also if you know anyone else who would want to be in them let me know and make sure to send me what they want for the character so I know. Okay, here's the lists.

In the works...

The Lost Story in Storybrooke: Years after the curse that created Storybrooke, a new threat has come. The four corners of darkness the heartless, nobodies, nightmares and unversed are on a mission to recover the son of the saviors heart. A strange boy comes and goes from Storybrooke getting closer to Henry. A secret long hidden from Regina is revived after years unknown. You didn't think you knew the whole story, did you?

Voltage: Tess is a cheerleader/engineering student who not only has to deal with her school life, but her new abilities as Skyvolt. But there's one problem, she doesn't even want these powers. Can she handle the pressure of both lives, or will she crumble from it?

Soon to come...

S.H.I.E.L.D. meets the O.S.S.: This is a Spy Kids/Agents of Shield crossover with no real plot just yet.

Once Upon a Time in Auradon: This will be a story that takes place after Descendants 2. After a new Dark One is formed, Emma, Regina, and the rest of the group travel to another realm. In this realm lies the kingdom of Auradon. It seems the new Dark One has caused havoc for this realm and now rules the Isle of the Lost, planning to take control of Auradon. If you wanna find out who the new Dark One is, make sure to read The Lost Story in Storybrooke.

Killer Frost: From the day of the particle accelerator explosion, to the battles with Amunet, you've always seen Caitlin Snow battle for our identity. You've seen her story, now hear mine. I am not Caitlin Snow. I am Killer Frost!

Now these next titles are just my own original stories. I won't be having people be added in them for the time being, but later on that could probably change.

An Orphan's Christmas: After living in an orphanage for the past twelve years, Johnny is finally adopted by a new family. Although everyone around him is filled with Christmas cheer, Johnny doesn't know how to feel. Can his new family help him know the true meaning of Christmas?

The Curse of Nanny Clownface: When Jake and his friends decide to take a look at an old abandoned amusement park, a spirit awakens and is out for their own. Can they stop her before she is released on Halloween night?

Daughters of Light: When three girls named Pearl, Sky, and Shine wake up not knowing anything about their past, they must use their magic hidden deep inside their gems in their chests. Although they are the daughters of light, they still have to work together and learn what each of them need most. Sky knows that she always has her head in the clouds, but is the air her only option or is she useful on land. Pearl must learn to adapt to using her power on land as well as in the sea. Shine will have to find out what it really means to be a light.

Just so you guys know, I am purposely putting The Curse of Nanny Clownface to publishing on next Halloween. Be prepared for when that comes. If you guys read any of these please let me know and tell me if you want to be a character. Anyway back to the story lol.

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