Earth of all Earths

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Dalton stood on the top of a small building, waiting for Eobard to show up. He was going to be testing him for how ready he was for evil, not that he's fought any battle without using someone else to do everything. Just then Dalton saw a red streak running through Central City, headed in his direction. The Reverse-Flash raced up the building and directly behind Dalton. "You're late." He said to Dalton. Dalton rolled his eyes at him. "Whatever, you got here last." He said. "So where exactly are we doing this little test of yours." The Reverse-Flash raced off in front of him and ran around in a circle, orange, blue, and green sparks appeared. The sparks grew into a large portal, glowing brightly. "What kind of breach is that?" Dalton asked as he held his hand out to see better. The Reverse-Flash then grabbed Dalton and they shot through the portal.

Meanwhile, over at Star Labs, Caitlin, Skylar, and Bree making sure that Bree had her speed back completely. Some of the Elite Force was testing their powers. William sat watching them, thinking about what he saw when he was being controlled. The images kept appearing in his mind, along with feelings of rage and fear. Just then Caitlin came into the room and saw him. "Hey, everything's okay?" She asked as she sat down beside him. William stayed silent and saw something on her tablet. "What're those?" He asked her. Caitlin told him that they were results for him, she had found something interesting about them. She then got into her pocket and pulled out a small vial of blood. "Okay, it's my blood," William said, not understanding the point. Caitlin shook her head and pulled up something on the results. "That's just the thing, it's not." She said as she showed him the results. "Dalton used the smoke from the canister to transfer his blood into your brain." She said. "Which would explain the fact of you experiencing his past events instead of your own." The blood in the vial was how much of Dalton's blood was in his system. William looked at the results and noticed something else. "What's that right there?" He asked, pointing at a small blinking icon. Caitlin looked at the icon, she hadn't noticed it. She clicked on it and saw a news article about two bionics who were placed in a particle accelerator explosion on Dalton's earth.

The news article read:

Boy Vanishing After Explosion
Two boys have been claimed to have been seen entering the source of the particle accelerator, but only one boy came out. The young boy who came out is said to have changed since the explosion and has since been a target for the Elite Force. As for the other boy, there is no evidence of anybody, no evidence to say whether the boy is dead or alive.

This concerned Caitlin. What happened to the other one, is this the event keeps playing in William's head? She was about to ask him about it, but before she could there was an alarm that started going off. Everyone quickly ran up to the Cortex to see what was happening. "We've got a breach not far from here," Cisco said. "It's different from the others we've seen." Cisco opened a breach and took everyone to the site. The breach glowed brightly, it was hard to see anything. "Where does this lead?" The Flash asked Vibe. Vibe saw images in his head of the new earth, but he saw things from every earth. "All of them." He said to them. Just then the breach began to close. "We've gotta go now!" Everyone quickly ran into the breach and ended up in another world. Once they were on the other side, the breach closed behind them. "Okay, guys let's keep things quiet until we find Eobard and Dalton," Barry said as he took his suit off. "We don't know what we're like here." Iris nodded and turned around, her eyes grew wide. "Guys, that might be a problem." She said pointing at a large poster. The group turned to see a poster that included the cast of The Flash, Arrow, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl. "Watch the Arrowverse on the CW." Oliver read. "This is crazy." He started to walk over and take a closer look but a reporter came around the corner and then spotted them. The reporter handed his hand towards them and a camera crew came from nowhere, rushing towards them. "Excuse me, Mr. Amell." He said as he headed towards Oliver. "We see that you and the cast of other Arrowverse shows are together once again, as well as the cast of Disney Channels' Lab Rats and Mighty Med." He pointed as with one of the men positioned a camera at them. "Will this be yet another crossover to which a new audience can be introduced?" The camera was on the group, they had to think of something quickly.

The reporter looked at them, eager for his answer. Bree quickly stepped up and looked at the reporter. "Believe me as much as I would love to do it..." She started when she saw something related to the Marvel/Disney team-up. "...I think that it would honestly be difficult with Disney already doing projects with the directors of the Marvel movies." The reporter nodded his head and told them to cut the camera. "Thank you very much." He said as he and the crew turned and walked away. Bree sped towards them and grabbed their SD card, then put it in her pocket and raced back. The reporter and crew left and Bree pulled out the card. "Why'd you take that?" Iris asked her. "Because if they're anything like the reporters on our earth, they can make these things say anything they want," Bree explained, and then she broke the card. "Besides, do you want yourselves from this earth wondering how they got into an interview they were nowhere near?" The team thought about this and knew she had a point on both sides.

Suddenly Harrison's Metahuman detecting watch picked up something. "We've got incoming." He warned. Just a second after he said that, Eobard sped right in front of them. "What're you doing here Flash?" He asked Barry. "You're not needed." Barry walked up to him. "Why are you here Thawne?" He asked. Eobard smiled at him. "Where's Dalton?" Barry asked. Eobard told him that he dropped Dalton off at his hometown back on his earth. "There's something there that only he has to deal with." He said to the team. "He wants to prove that he is worth my protection." Barry shook his head at him. "Please, since when have you protected anyone?" He asked. "All you do is use others as bait to die for you without knowing that they're not helping anyone." He started going after him but Eobard sped away quickly. Just then Cisco's glasses started beeping. "Tracker is placed and he's headed straight for Arkansas." He said as he watched his movements, suddenly he stopped. "Okay let's roll." He said opening a breach to him. "This might take a while." Everyone quickly got into the breach and vanished.

Meanwhile, in a small town in Arkansas, Dalton stood in an empty garage waiting for Eobard. Eobard sped in holding a person with a bag over their head and tied up, placing them on the side of a wall. "About time," Dalton said looking at the masked person. "So what, you want me to kill him?" Eobard nodded at him. Dalton summoned fire and started to head towards the person, but was stopped. "But that's not all of your tests." He said to Dalton. He walked over and took the bag off the person's head, revealing a boy about Dalton's age. The boy turned and looked at him. "Dalton, what's going on?" He asked. Dalton put the fire away and shook his head in disbelief. "No, this can't be real." He said backing away from him. Eobard walked over and placed a hand on Dalton's shoulder. "You wanted to prove your loyalty." He reminded him. "This is all you need to do." Dalton looked at the boy and then back at Eobard. "You're asking me to kill the doppelgänger of my friend Alex." He said moving Eobard's hand from his shoulder. His hand ignited into another flame. "That's the thing, Dalton, that's not him," Eobard said. "He is just a painful reminder, while your friend is gone."

Suddenly a breach appeared and Eobard grabbed the two boys and took them to the top of a building. "Take care of him." He said to Dalton. He then sped off to battle. Dalton turned to look at Alex, walking towards him. "What did he mean by a painful reminder?" Alex asked him. Dalton shook his head, still trying to wrap his head around going after his friend. He walked over and grabbed him, pulling him to his feet. "Listen there's no time to explain." He said as he pulled a small object out of his pocket. "Whenever I go to blast you use this, it's the only thing from my earth that Eobard hasn't seen." He explained to him. Alex nodded and then looked at him. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "If he finds out, he'll kill you." Dalton nodded, he wouldn't be surprised. "I'd rather have that happen than lose a friend twice." He said. Alex nodded and looked to see a red streak. He put the hand with the machine behind him as Dalton ignited another flame in his hand. "Glad we're friends in more than one world," Alex said. "Me too," Dalton said to him. He then threw the fire just as Eobard arrived, Alex quickly pressed a button and vanished as the flame neared him. When the flame went out, Alex was completely gone. "Good work, now let's go," Eobard said to Dalton. Then he ran around to open a breach. The two of them went straight through the breach as it closed behind them. Meanwhile, Alex had been transported to the garage from before, where the team was waiting.

Alex walked over to them and told them what happened. "Relax, even if I told anyone I met you guys they'd think I meant your doppelgängers instead of you." He said with a laugh. He raised the transporter and gave it to Cisco. "You guys might need this." He said. "You mind breaching me back home?" Cisco nodded and told him to think of the place and be ready. He opened a breach for him and Alex walked straight through. "Let's go find Eobard," Cisco said as he opened another breach. Everyone started walking through the breach. Once Cisco started to walk through when he got a vibe in his head. It showed him Dalton and Eobard, as well as some kind of energy following them. When the vibe disappeared, Cisco headed through the portal. He needed to figure out what he saw.

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