act one, chapter one

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chapter one
❛ the princess of dragonstone ❜

279 AC, Dragonstone

THE DAY WAS DARKER than usual. The sun barely peeked through the cover of grey clouds that surrounded the island. The fog seemed to become denser with the passing day, while a light drizzle moistened the coarse sand on the beach. Winter had begun setting on the lands a few moons prior, and while the first snow was yet to fall, the air had gotten quite cold. Especially in islands in the middle of the sea.

A pair of lilac eyes gazed wistfully to the open sea, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

Dragonstone was hardly a place to be called home. It was but a mere fortress, there was no life in it. With walls that kissed skies and air, forever sodden, it was enough to make Elaenya detest every waking moment of her stay. She has tried to brighten the melancholic aura of the castle with her sketches and dollops of egg paints all over her room, but it was of no avail. The very soul of the fortress was rotten to the core and it seemed to affect it's resident's demeanor gravely.

Hence, Elaenya's glee knew no bounds when the raven, requesting for her arrival at the Red Keep for the Primce's wedding with Elia Martell, had reached the salty shores. While the decision to marry outside the family had initially come as a shock to the girl, but he had recuperated her sorrow for the sake of her brother, for he seemed quite happy for his marriage through their period letters. Hence, days passed into weeks as the moment of her arrival neared. The girl had long for ages to go to Kingslanding and he would finally fulfill her dream. However, anticipation gave way to anxiousness as Elaenya paced around her chambers with a distraught mind.

What if he doesn't come?

What if this is all a stupid game someone played on me?

It's can't be...can it?

Her heart throbbed uncontrollably. Her legs ached from standing so still, while she held her breath. Only for a glimpse of Targaryen sails, but there was no sign of one amongst the thick fog.

Has he forgotten about me?

She mulled yet again. Scolding her vapid thoughts soon after. Uncertainty oft pushed the young maiden into the chasms of her own head.

"A muddled mind?" The older Septa named Lysa, asked her, noticing that the princess had not moved away from the window in ages.

Elaenya turned to meet the kind gaze of the aged woman, as nodded furiously. "Terribly"

"He will come" the woman assured, "He has never broken his vow to you has he? "

Elaenya's lips curved into a sad smile, "Rhaegar could never. Even if the world crumbles, he binds vows with his blood" she sighed, looking away from the older woman across the still seas of the blackwater bay, "I worry about my father's temperament. After all—"

"Not another word about that" the septa stopped her. "He is your father Princess, I am sure that distance has made him yearn for his second born as well" the septa reassured

"I pray to the gods that he permits me to attend the wedding" Elaenya picked on the flesh by her nails, tugging onto them anxiously.

"You worry too much for a young girl, princess. Everything will be alright in the end, that is the strange way of our lives" the septa's sheer belief in her words seemed almost astonishing. "You shall attend the wedding and everyone will love you. I am sure of it"

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