Chapter 38

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Hey guys! Thanks for bearing with us as we have not updated in a while :)


Both the crazy mofos are backkkkk Omg!! Yay!! We're starting again!!! This is so exciting!!! :P


~~~~~Jade's P.O.V~~~~~

I'm too busy trying to prevent my death, that I don't notice who it was who knocked and opened the door.

It's Arianna who actually alerts me to someone's presence by nudging me, oh so subtly-notice the sarcasm-in the ribs.

"Ow!" I say, rubbing my side. "What was that fo-"

And that's when I see him.

There, leaning on the door frame is the last person I want to see right now: Niall.

Every single time I look into his piercing blue eyes, it sends a shiver down my spine. Right now, when I look into those eyes, I see something-I'm not sure what though. Is it sadness? Is it bitterness? Or am I just imagining that I see something in his eyes because I'm weird like that? I mean, when you look into people's eyes you can't really see what they're feeling or thinking, can you? 

ARGHH Why am I even looking into his eyes to see what he's feeling? Why do I even care? I've got Josh and he's the sweetest guy I've ever met. Sure, I've only known him less than 24 hours but he's nice and makes me feel special, like I'm the only girl in the world to him. 

"Um, hi girls," Niall starts awkwardly. 

"Hey," I breath, shoving all my thoughts to the back of my mind so that I can talk english properly.

"Just, er, wanted to make sure everything's ok in here."

"Yeah, yeah we're doing fine!" I reassure him. 

He glances towards the TV and a small smirk appears on his lips when he takes in the scene.

"Well, I'll leave you to your lovely movie!" He says and this statement half breaks the awkwardness of the situation.

"Thanks!" I grin back and oh so subtly-see what I did there-pointed my thumb in the direction of Arianna, who's tear-stained face was lit up with the light coming from the hallway through the open door.

Niall closes the door and I hear his footsteps slowly walking away.

"So, back to the movie now!" I say, about to press the play button on the remote.

"Wait!" Arianna says suddenly and I stop quickly, surprised by her outburst. "I want to talk to you about-er-relationships" she puts emphasis on the word 'relationships'.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"Well," Arianna starts. "I've been watching Niall and the way he looks at you and-um-I think he kinda likes you?" My jaw hits the ground as I stare at her.

"Come again?" I ask in disbelief of what she just said. "I don't think I heard you right."

"You did." Arianna sighs. "I just think he has a major crush on you, that's all."

"But, I mean-why hasn't he told me or expressed his feelings or something?" I'm still in disbelief. I haven't noticed the certain way that Niall has been looking at me. Has he even been looking at me in a certain way? Is Arianna imagining things? It's possible.

"Jade, Niall's not your Harry Styles." I'm too surprised to smile at her humour. "Niall's a sensitive guy, and he's shy. He doesn't want to tell you anything because he is afraid. Afraid that you'll turn him down, afraid that you'll laugh in his face. When you said that you now have a boyfriend, I saw his face fall and it actually hurt me to see him like that. I know that you're happy with Josh-for now-but-"

"What?" I interrupt, incredulously. "For now? Are you saying that it won't last long? How do you know that? You don't, do you?"

"Jade, I didn't mean it that way! You know that!" I nodd slightly. "I'm just saying that everytime you ever mention your boyfriend, Niall will break more and eventually he'll be so broken-" 

"Ok, ok! Now you've made me feel bad! Omigosh I don't know what to do! What should I do, Arianna? How can I deal with this?"

"I don't know, Jade. I seriously have no idea at all. I guess we'll just have to see how this all works out."

"Yeah, I guess." I sigh. To signal the end of the conversation, I press the play button and the movie unpauses.


~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~

I'm not watching the movie. My eyes are on the tv screen but the actual picture does not register in my brain. I told Jade about my thoughts and she had a mixed reaction. She started off surprised and, I might be mistaken but, a little bit hopeful? But then, her eyes turned hard and I recognised her voice also grew harder. Didn't she want to be with Niall? Or was she just trying to be loyal to Josh? It gets harder to read her feelings everyday. She is drifting farther and farther away from me and I can't stop it.

"Arianna? Arianna!" I am awoken from my thoughts by Jade waving her hand in front of my blank face. "The movie's finished. What were you thinking about?" she adds curiously.

"Nothing, nothing. Don't worry." I reassure her, but she doesn't look convinced.

I have a bad feeling about the coming few days, but I don't say anything to Jade. It's probably a wrong feeling anyway, knowing me.

Oh, but I was so, so wrong.

AHHHH I KNOW THIS ISN'T AS LONG AS I HOPED IT WOULD BE BUT I HAVE TO DO HOMEWORK NOW!!! How fun-notice the sarcasm. I do hope you guys like this chappie and I might update again tomorrow cuz I can and GUESS WHAT?? That day after tomorrow is the HOLIDAYS!!! So I can update for you guys heaps during that two week break! CAN'T WAIT!



-2crazymofos1d Xx

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