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For a moment, those grey eyes seem to reflect back memories up on memories of casual flirting, mischievous grins and the horrendous events of the previous year.

Then, in a flash, they turn pitch black. Baz storms into the room and pushes Bunce. I'm startled, but not at his actions; rather at the underlying gentleness of his almost teasing motion.

In the span of...what like, a year? A bit over a year? Had Baz...become...soft?

I can't help but silently hold a giggle to myself.


"Hi Baz," said Penny lazily.

"So your idea of a relaxing long weekend...was this?"

Although his words are empty of venom, and his movements are softer than I ever imagined they could be, it still stings me to hear those words.

"Hey," Penelope says with a warning look.

"Well, I mean things don't always go to plan, do they, Tyrannus."

"Did you just call me-"

"By your legally given birth name? Why yes, I did, Baz. Now if you will please act more civil in front of our guest."

Baz shakes with fury, but with one glance from Penelope, he falls still. I realise that Simon is nowhere to be seen.

Penny turns to me apologetically.

"Agatha, you can go up to Simon's room if you'd like. I just need to sort some final, uh, small, arrangements out."

I mumble a thank you and go into the kitchen. I don't believe a conversation with Simon with just the two of us, in his room, is something I want to face right now.

I replay the whole situation in my head. How close had Penny been to saying that I came to London to sight-see. As a tourist. In the town that I was born in.

Penelope is a genius, but she is human, after all, I noted. I mentally remind myself to get her a pampering or massage session during my visit here.

I can't hear anything in the other room. Minutes pass, and I am still surprised to realise that I am in London. Back to magic. Back to everything I had purposely left behind and cut out of my life. The thought overwhelms me.

I wonder how on earth I'm going to go about carrying out Penelope's plan when it's proving this complicated to even convince Baz to let me move in with him. How could Penelope expect me, of all people, to separate these two love birds?

Although, I did expect Simon to greet Baz with a little more enthusiasm and a whole lot more of affection. Now that I think about it, Simon didn't even stay in the room once Baz came in.

Maybe my job is within the realm of possibility after all. Not that I was happy about that.

I'm so enveloped by my thoughts that I barely hear Penny calling me to come out. When I come into the living room, Baz is already at the door, holding my suitcase.

"Get some sleep, Agatha. And if Baz gives you any trouble at all, give me a ring, okay?"

Penny leans in to give me a hug, and I whisper, "You're a miracle worker. And I really hope this plan turns out okay. Thank you."

She winks at me, and gestures me to follow Baz, who is already halfway out the door. I flash her a quick look of worry, and she rolls her eyes.

"He doesn't hate you, you can be sure of that. After all, all of his hate is probably aimed at me right now," Penelope jokes, chucking in a reassuringly little laugh.

Penny whisks me out of the apartment and gently shuts the door behind me. I look back at the door wistfully, wishing that I was still inside the warmth of the room, laughing merrily with Penelope and Simon.

I turn around and accidentally walk straight into Baz' back. So he hadn't gone ahead after all. The fear towards my new room mate fades the tiniest bit. I stumble back drunkenly. I'm about to apologise when he interrupts me.

"Come on, Wellbelove. We don't have all day."

He starts going down the dark stairs at an alarmingly fast pace, not giving a single glance back at me.

I sigh.

Why did I ever agree to this plan?

Tommorow: A Simon And Baz Fanfiction (Sequel To Carry On)Where stories live. Discover now