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Author's Note:



Aleister Crowley does Bunce drives me crazy.

I'm rushing down the stairs in a frenzy as my mind replays our conversation.

"Baz, you and I both know you're being incredibly rude right now."


I don't respond. She knows better than to address me as Basilton.

Bunce sighs.

"Whatever. Everyone would prefer if Simon stayed with you in your apartment, but he is one of the legal owners of this flat. So, no, he can't leave, because the landlord will be coming around any day now to ask if we will renew the contract to live here for another year. I'm sorry. But you don't want Simon to sleep on a couch for the next-I don't know- two weeks, do you? Especially when you have a perfectly good, empty bedroom five minutes away from the flat?"

I clench my fingers.

"So I'm just supposed to let...her...into my aunt's flat? What if Fiona comes back?"

"Well I took the liberty of calling her and she seemed fine."

"You did...what?"

"Relax. Your aunt loves me."

"Does Fiona even know you?"

"I'm a Bunce. Of course she does."

"And she agreed to...her...staying over at mine because..?"

"Because as far as she knows...Agatha is your distantly related cousin staying over for some sightseeing in London."

"And you were the one telling her this because..."

"Because you never would have done it yourself; she seemed to very well believe that point. Do you ever enjoy friendly conversation with your family members Baz? Or just with anyone in general?"

"Oh for fuck's sake- nobody's perfect Bunce."

"Which is exactly why I think this experience will be mutually beneficial for you two. You. Agatha. Social. How about that?"

The scowl on my face grows even larger. Bunce steps forward and suddenly locks me in her vice-like arms.

I groan quietly as I'm forced to return her embrace.

"There you go! Do this with Agatha and you two will be good friends in no time," Bunce chatters happily as I struggle to escape her immovable grip.

I'm brought back to reality in a sudden whirl as I reach the end of the staircase. I stand still, breathing in the chilly night air. I can somehow still feel the pressure on my back from where Wellbelove bumped into me.

She's finally caught up to me, and I'm overwhelmed by her subconscious urge to break this hostile silence. As I sense Agatha's eyes scan the back of my head as if challenging me to talk, I start walking.

The walk to my flat is cold and full of the tension of unsaid words. And as the distance to my apartment gets shorter and shorter, so do my thoughts.

Tommorow: A Simon And Baz Fanfiction (Sequel To Carry On)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora