Ch. 3: Jealousy

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Camp Camp is not owned by me RoosterTeeth's the shit fam

This chapter will be following the events of Ep7; I wanted to provide some insight on why you shouldn't mess with Max... Or his girl 😈

Also Italics in qoutation marks are still thoughts 💭 just reminding ya


Max and his friends are standing backstage of Preston's lame-ass play, talking about how lame it is.

Max, arranging his beard, says, "This is absolutely humiliating!"

Neil, wearing a weird gadget thing, replies, "What a waste of time! We could be working on that flamethrower right now!"

Max: "If we had finished it earlier, I might've been able to get us out of this shit show!" 👿

Nikki crossly exclaims, "I hate being Juliet! I wanna be someone cool, like Cena or Rambo!"

Max: "To be completely honest, if you were either of those people this play would be 10,000 times better. Meaning it wouldn't exist, 'cause Preston can't make something that good."

Max: "Oh fuck, that's right! Neil has to kiss Nikki... Goddamnit! I can't allow that to happen... Even if he's doing it against his will!"
"I know! I'll tease him about it! Then he'll faint before the kiss scene!"

Max, mischievously teases Neil, "You nervous about your big kiss scene?" *starts making kissy noises*

"Don't remind me!" Neil says, "I'm already freaking out!"

"You know Juliet should've done karate instead of kissing boys!" Nikki says, while making chopping motions with her arm, "Maybe she wouldn't have died then."

Max: "Actually that's a great idea! Use karate on Neil during the kiss scene Nikki!"

David is walking around the place like he's looking for something. "Has anyone seen my phone? I must've dropped it while doing my smile excercises!"

Gwen, following behind him, tells him "Don't admit to that"

David: "Why not? It's true!"
Gwen: "Smile excercises? Why?! Just kill me now!"

Max, laughing evilly, pulls out David's phone.

Nikki excitedly shouts, "IS THAT DAVIDS PHONE?!"

Max tells her, "Pipe down! I'm checking his- Oh my GOD he has a Tinder account!"

"Tinder? What's that?" asks Nikki.

"Oh, it's that dating app for losers who can't meet people in real life."

"Ooooh yeaaah, my dad used that when my mom left him. Again."

Max: "Woah, what? Again? What, is your mom like, getting together with your Dad just to take his money only to leave him again, repeating this over and over? Here, take this flamethrower, smite that bitch!"

Max: "I could use this app to sabotage Preston's play though... Yes, I'll just swipe right on someone who would be able to make it here in time for the kiss scene, I'll even take a picture of Neil when I can and upload it, to make this even better! Ohohoh, this is gonna be GREAT!"

Neil, as nervous as can be, complains "Guuuuys, you're just adding to my anxiety! If you don't return the phone I'm gonna have a panic attack! And that's on you!"

Max: "Wait, seriously?!" *grips phone tighter*

Max, still looking through David's profile, ignores Neil and continues, "Oh man, he's got like, seven pictures on his profile! Psh, can you say desperate?"

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