Ch. 6: Max's Camp Part 2

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*speedy commercial guy voice* CampCampbelongstoRoosterteethandanyonewhosaysotherwisewillbeexecuted.Calltoday.


"My mom signed me up for Music Camp, okay?"

"Tell us more, Max." She says, that familiar gleam in her eyes once more.

"You asked me what camp I was signed up for, so that's what I'll tell you; nothing more."

"Actually..." Nikki says, showing her crossed fingers from behind her back.

Max: "Well, this confirms my suspicions that she knows my secret now."

"Alright fine, I'll answer your fucking questions, what do you want to know?"

"What's your favorite instrument?"

"Wait, what about singing?"

Max: "Shit."

"Hey, since nobody's going to tell anyone else anything, why don't you come over to the Amphitheatre and we'll find you an instrument?"


"Come on Max, we could do it at night when everyone is asleep!"

"The Amphitheatre's pretty far from the tents anyway."

"Fine. I'll do it, but ONLY so you DON'T. TELL. AN-Y-ONE. Got it?"

"I won't tell anyone, Max."

"I just care if I get to see it, that's all."


The days activities have ended, and Max hasn't been looking forward to tonight. While all the campers an counselors are asleep, three campers sneak out of their tents, and make their way towards the Amphitheatre.

"Where's Nikki?" Neil asks, glancing every which way as him and Max make it to the Amphitheatre.

"Stop being such a pussy, Neil; she's probably already inside the Amphitheatre."

"W-w-well, it's just that, it's s-s-so DARK! WHAT'S THAT!" Neil borderline screams, covering his face while pointing at a rustling bush.

Neil, unlike Max however, didn't notice two aquamarine pigtails sticking out of the bush.

Max, unamused, just grabbed Nikki by both her pigtails and picked her up.

"Ow! Hey, quit it! That hurts!" Nikki shouts at Max, glaring him down.

"You're the one who thought that your stupid pigtails could camouflage yourself into that bush. Now come on, aren't you the one who wanted to see me play in the first place?" Max states, his usual angry glare on his face.

"Well, you don't need to be so mean about it." Nikki pouts as Max puts her down.

Max winces inside at Nikki's comment. "Goddammit! I just need to calm down." Max takes a deep breath throught his nose, counting to ten, anything he can to calm down. Because, as much as he hates to admit it, Max really wants this song to sound good for Nikki (and Neil, but to a lesser extent).

The three friends walk into the Amphitheatre, turn on the lights, and walk around until finding the storage room. The storage room hosts an array of old costumes and (surprisingly) relatively new instruments, including a small pinao, a violin (NOT Daniels), a drum set, Davids (new) guitar, a couple of OK and new harmonicas, and (also surprisingly) a brass trumpet. Next to all of the instruments were stacks upon stacks of sheet music.

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