Ch. 7: Max's Camp Part 3

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All CampCamp belongs to RoosterTeeth

IM SORRY I SAW IT ANIMEPACE WAS TOO TEMPTING RT PLEASE FORGIVE ME (To those of you who have watched it early don't spoil it for the others who dont want a virus or a premium acc.)


"Let's just go to bed before somebody wakes up and finds us here or something." Max says, yawning tiredly as he leads his friends back to their tents, leaving the violin behind.

The Quartermaster quietly tiptoes out of the Amphitheatre, making sure that the three campers can't hear him...

"David's gotta know about this... Sorry, boy."


It's the morning after Max's little performance for his friends. All of the campers are in the Mess Hall.

"Attention campers!" David announces cheerily, "Today we will be doing Max's camp again, because now I remember what camp you're signed up for Max!"

When Max hears this, he freezes, and glares daggers at David.

"You're in Music Camp, right Max?" David asks.

Everybody except Nikki, Neil, the QM, and David, and Max shout, "What?!"

Max just continues to glare at David, anger written all over his face, before finally yelling, "FUCK YOU DAVID!" and storming out of the Mess Hall.

"Max!" David is about to run after Max, but Gwen grabs his shoulder. "David, I think it would be better to just leave him alone for now. Besides, we don't even know what we're doing for today anyway."

"Actually..." David says as he turns back to the campers. "For Music Camp today you will all be playing/singing a musical piece by an artist of your choice. It can be anything from an actual song to a musical number from a play. There are instruments and sheet music over in the Amphitheatre, Gwen will take you there while I try to get Max to come back with us."

"Are you sure about this, David?" Gwen asks as the campers start on their way to the Amphitheatre.

"Yes?" David responds nervously.

As David leaves to go find Max, the campers talk amongst themselves about what just happened.

"I never knew Max played music! This changes everything! AH!" Preston says to everyone.

"Actually it makes a lot of sense, if you think about it." Nurf starts. "He always seems pretty angry, music is probably a way to calm down for him."

"Does he play classical or rock, though? Rock is so cool." Ered says.

"Personally I like classic rock better." Harrison chimes in.

"I tend to prefer classical music, but I have favorite songs in each category." Preston says.

"What about dubstep?" Nerris asks.

"You can't play dubstep on a regular instrument, Nerris, you fool." Harrison says.

"Dubstep is a mix of a lot of different pitches, sounds, etc, which naturally have to come from an instrument, Harrison."

"Yeah, but it's all done electronically, I mean you can't expect a human being to manually do all of those fast, vastly different noises, from a wide range of instruments like that." Nurf points out.

"Yeah, you're right. But the slower ones can be played on a single instrument."

"Eh, yeah but it's not as... Dubsteppy?"

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