Chapter 2.

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Now that I was fully awake and drenched in sweat, it was futile to try and sleep again. I looked at my alarm watch and switched it off realizing that I slept for three hours not that I am complaining, somedays are much worse.

I showered and changed into black shirt n jeans. As I went downstairs I felt some movement in my kitchen. It was strange as very few are allowed in my condo. Alex, Maddie, Greta and few omegas are the only ones that are welcome here.

On full alert, I rolled my sleeves and ready to take over the imposter. As I approached closer I smelled Alex and he was reeking of alcohol. It was always the same with Alex whenever he had a fight with his mate Dawn he goes ahead and gets sloshed.

"What did u two fought about this time, Alex". I asked.

"Shit, man don't creep up on me like that". He said while rubbing his head. Serves him right coming at this time and raiding my fridge.

"So what happened to get u this drunk and why did not call me. You know how dangerous it is with threats and rogues".

"Relax Max, I just went out to get my favorite JD. I drank in basement of our pack house. And in answer to your first question, Dawn thinks it's too early to plan for a family, she said she needs time".

Alex's entire demeanor changed as he said this, his shoulder slumped and a frown slowly replacing his otherwise happy facial expressions. It was a big deal if your mate doesn't want to have pups right after the mating ritual. Though Dawn seems a very sensible wolf but there is no way she could expect Alex to wait especially when she knows that wolves like Alpha and beta are very possessive about their mates n pups.

So I asked him if he knew the reason behind her saying like that.

"Dawn says that we will not think about extending our family, till you find the Luna of the pack". And it was like a punch in the gut though I am extremely grateful for such loving people in my pack but it just makes me that how much my pack is incomplete.

I am not interested in a mate as she will make me weak and I have worked very hard to be the number one pack across all the continents.

I hardened my face and replied "I'll talk to her. No need for such frivolous conditions. My mate will meet me when the time is right, doing such things will not achieve anything".

He looked down with guilt for a split second and then said " Right, I mean I know this pack will have an amazing Luna, I mean Moon Goddess has to compensate us to give us such a tough and serious Alpha. Am I right or Am I right Max".

"Shut up." I gruffly replied, " and come spar with me as your punishment for drinking and invading my house at such ungodly hour".

"W...wh..what, spar with you... No, no happening Max, last time I sparred with you, I was out of it for four hours. Four hours Max".

"Stop being a drama queen and meet me out in ten". I ordered in Alpha tone.

He replied ,"it's my funeral, at least let me invite my family".

I rolled my eyes at his tactics and gruffly replied "tick tock eight minutes now".

I stepped outside in the woods and my mood instantly picked up. There is nothing like early morning skies. The tranquility almost makes it up for the daily chaos that happens in our daily lives. It's my favorite time of the day where I can reminisce about how far I have come and how far I need to go, from an orphan lanky kid to the Alpha of the Morpho pack with a strong team of warriors who remains to be undefeated.

My pack has a pack house, one hospital, a school, a vast training ground, a multi purpose hi tech gym, an orphanage, a small play area for pups and my two storey condominium. Also few of the pack members are allowed to work in nearby cities as long as they fulfill their duties towards their pack on weekends and late evenings. I still want to have few secretive roads and rooms for she wolves and pups at the time of wars.

Seeing forward, I realised I have reached the training ground and Alex was still nowhere to be found. I slipped off my shirt and let out a loud warning growl just to let Alex know that he is running out of time.

"Yeah yeah I am here, no need to twist your insides" Alex replied while chewing a protein bar.

I lunged at him not waiting for him to change or chew the bar. I hit my shoulder in his stomach and he flew across the ground and landed on his back. He growled back and his clothes now ripped to shreds, throwing the strips off him he took a fighting stance . I ran towards him at full speed and skidded and hit his shins his legs gave away and he fell full force. Then it was me punching him and he also got few punches on me.

By the end of it I had a broken nose and he had a dislocated shoulder. But we were still at each other's throats, as I was about to headlock him, a shrill voice rang in the grounds, "Maximus Michael Jones and Alex Zander Davis, you two stop this nonsense Right Now".

"Shit", we both said together.

"Hi Mom, how come you are awake so early", Alex said moving behind me subtly.

"Wuss", I coughed at him. "Good morning Greta, all ok?"

"All ok? How are you Alpha and Beta I don't understand, fighting like adolescents".

It was funny actually to see a 5'3 petite looking female scolding a giant 6'4 rippled Alpha and a cowering 6'3 Beta. But you know better than to cross Greta she can be as sweet as honey but once she is angry, it's better to run for the woods.

"And Alex where were you the whole nite, how dare you trouble your mate like that and Max instead of sending him back to his mate you both tumbling in mud here" she glared at us.

"It's his fault," pointed Alex towards me. Great, way to throw me under the bus. He sheepishly looked my way and mouthes Sorry.

I glared at him and turned towards Greta and say " Greta they needed time away to think about the things they said to each other".

Greta looked at me as if she wanted to know more about the lover's feud but I just raised my hands silently conveying her that it's not my place to tell. She seems to understand my silent plea. As in the next moment she grabs Alex's ear and dragged him, all the way saying "wash yourself and talk to your mate like an adult".

And then turned towards me and said "you too Max, go clean yourself and meet me in the packhouse, we'll have breakfast together".

"Yes Greta" I replied and saw by best friend being dragged away by his mom by his ear.

I showered at my place and changed into jeans and T shirt and started walking towards pack house. It was half hour away from my condo, so I decided to take my matte black Range Rover.

As I reached the pack house the aroma of waffles wafted through the air and my stomach rumbled in reply. I greeted all my pack members as they bowed to me in respect. As soon as Greta saw me she gave me a full blown grin and told me to have a seat.

I sat down and began wolfing down the waffles drenched with maple syrup and whipped cream.

"Chew it Max, don't just gulp it up" Greta scolded me playfully. I swallowed the bite and murmured "she still thinks I am eight years old and not 26"

She softly touched my cheek and said "you'll always be my baby Max, just like Alex. But I'll always worry about you more till the time you find a lovely mate".

"Not you too, Greta, I am happy being single no added drama" knowing how Greta is I knew it was just a matter of time that the lecture about true love will begin, I ran outside to my car telling Greta I'll see her later and thanking her from breakfast.

As I was running towards my Rover I almost collided with a she wolf. I grabbed her fore arms so that she won't fall down due to the imapct.

She looked at me shyly and said "well hello Alpha, I was hoping that I would catch you here" she said battering her eyelashes.

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