Chapter 13.

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We woke up few hours later and needless to say that it was the best nap ever.

Moira wanted to go and tell Mrs Wilson that she won't be volunteering this weekend. So we were on our way to hospital.

"Hello, Mrs Wilson, how are you?"

"I am good dear, I am so glad you finally decided to take time for yourself. And who is this young man here, I have never seen him before".

"Mrs Wilson, this is Maximus and Maxim this Mrs Wilson the owner of this charitable hospital".

I stepped ahead and put my hand forward for her to shake but she slapped my hand back and engulfed me in a warm hug. She was a petite old lady with wrinkles marring her face, portraying the knowledge behind her grey irises. I could make out that she is very kind and warm.

"Well, are you sure it's ok, I don't mind putting in few hours" Moira chimed in.

"Nonsense dear, we will be fine and if  the need arises then I'll call you ok. For now I want you to enjoy your time and Maximus don't hurt this girl she is a gem"

"I won't Mrs Wilson. I can assure you about that". I told her looking towards Moira.

"Mrs Wilson, how is Bobby now" Moira asked.

"He is stable you can go meet him, if you want, he's been asking about you".

"I will and please call me if you need anything".

"Sure dear, now go, it was nice to meet you Maximus, you can come with Moira next weekend and spend some time with kids, they always look forward to meet a new face."

"I'd love to, Thanks so much".

"Bye Mrs Wilson" both me and Moira said to the kind lady.

"Bye kids and use protection". She said and winked at me, I laughed and started walking behind Moira who was a lovely shade of pink by now and was grumbling something on the lines on "these oldie has no filter" making me laugh even more.

As we entered a kid's ward I could see a frown on his face and he was complaining about not giving him real food.

"Hi Bobby" my mate greeted the kid.

"Ira, I missed you, see these people are feeding me that goo again".

"Bobby, veggies are good for you. But first I want you to meet Maximus".

"Hey kid, Bobby right?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and looked at me with wide eyes and said "whoa you are so big".

I gave him a smile and said "you wanna know how I grew so tall?"

He nodded his feverishly and I scooted near him and murmured in his ears "by eating the veggies".

"No way" he exclaimed.

"I swear, but it will be our secret, I don't want everybody to get big and strong like me. You are Moira's fav that's why I am telling you."

"I knew I am your fav" he fist pumped in air " wait till I tell this to Stacey, ha".

"Ok Bobby, promise me you'll eat your  food and meds on time. And take plenty of rest ok. I'll come next week. And here I got something for you". Moira said and picked put something from her backpack.

And Bobby's eyes shine like a beacon "Batman comics yay, you are the best Ira" he said and started clapping.

"Yeah yeah I know, now finish your food. I love you" Moira said and hugged the kid.

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