True Colors

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Shelby's POV
I woke up early thus morning. There was something bugging me. It was between me and Will. What happened at the beach.

Flash Back

Will was really close to me now. My mind was racing and stomach twisting. What was happening! I feel his breath on my face. I look up at him. I beautiful brown eyes hypnotize me. I feel him lean closer to me. Our faces are inches apart now. I move my head closer aiming to close the gap bit then a wave knocks us over. Stupid wave! I thought. I laugh it off and we head back to Graser and Liam.

End Flash Back

We almost kissed! My mind is going crazy! What am i going to do! I decide to make breakfast to get my mind off it. I made bacon and eggs. Will was the first one awake. He gives me a small smile and I smile back. I wonder what he's thinking. Is he thinking about yesterday too? Does he like me or am i being crazy? Shelby stop! I scold myself, just worry about breakfast!

When I finish cooking everyone is awake. We sit down and eat while watching YouTube, again for Graser's views.

When we finish we decide to go to the mall. I let Will have the bathroom first while I clean the kitchen. I'm still thinking about yesterday. Was he gonna kiss me? I asked myself.

When will was done i hop in. I chose to where a blue oversized sweater with some black leggings. I do my daily make up and put my hair into a ponytail.

I walk out of the bathroom and the boys are on the couch watching Netflix.

"Ready to go?" I ask them.

They get up and turn off the T.V. We get in the car and Will sits shotgun. I'm glad so I don't have to fight over music with Graser. We turn the music on low and talk most of the ride.

"So are we gonna split up or stick together?" Will asks.

"I say we stick together since there is only four of us" I answer. I see Will's face sadden but I don't know why. I don't focus on it because I was still contemplating yesterday's events.

When we first arrived we go into Forever 21 so I can buy a new wardrobe.

"Hurry up Shelby! I wanna stop by Game Stop some time today!" Liam complains.

"You can't rush art!" I shout.

"This isn't art!" Liam grumbles.

"Yea it is! It's the art of shopping!" I rebel with a chuckle.

Liam rolls his eyes. Will and Graser laugh. As soon as I finish we head to Game Stop. We pick up an extra controller and some games for my Xbox. After that we go to lunch.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask.

"McDonald's!" Graser shouts and we fallow him to the McDonald's part of the food court.

While there we see Parker. He is eating Pizza.

"Hey dude!" Graser shouts.

"Hey guys," he responds as he takes another bite of pizza.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Liam.

"Thinking about my terrible life decisions" he jokes.

After eating lunch we hang with parker the rest of the day. When we go back to my place we play a lot of video games. We record so many videos we have enough to last a week!

After Parker leaves Liam and Graser go to bed. I'm wide awake and so is will so we decide to hang out. We end up on the balcony. It was peacefully quiet. Then Will broke the silence.

"So about yesterday... at the beach... I'm sorry, i don't what cam over me," he says looking at the floor.

"No Will, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened!" I say feeling really guilty.

He says nothing.

"I've been thinking about it all day. Wondering what it all meant. Wondering how i should..." I trailed off.

"How you should what?" Will asked.

"How I should tell you that I love you!" I cry out.

He's silent.

Just as i thought, he doesn't feel the same, I thought as a tear slips down my cheek.

"You don't feel the same..." I half ask half state.

He looks at me, I start to cry because I know its true. Then he kisses me. I'm shocked at first but then kiss back. When we brake apart my sad tears turn to happy ones.

"Shelby... I love you too. I didn't answer because I was thinking why!" Will says giving me a hug.

"Why what?" I ask.

"Why do you like me!?" I can see the tears in his eyes. I think for a minute. Then I figure out what to say.

"Will, I love you because you're you! I love your voice! I love your laugh! I love your personality! I love everything I know about you! Don't say you don't deserve me because you do! Will I know you, good and bad. I've seen your flaws and perfections! I've seen your true colors and that's why I love you!"

Thank you for reading chapter 3! It's been a crazy one and got a bit emotional at the end. Shelby professes her love! Yes the title is the title of a song and you probably already know it because of the movie Trolls but I'm gonna show you the original song, much better than the Trolls version. Bye!

The Song:

Love Bites (kiingtong x shubble)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora