Love Bites

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Will's POV
I post the video and head to bed. I was to sad to go through the comments section. I will in the morning.

The next morning I check on the video. It's gotten 783,589 views so far. It broke my heart to see all the sorry for your loss comments and the comments that where super long saying everything they will miss. Then there where some that didn't care.

I closed off YouTube and watched Netflix the rest of the day.

It's been about a year and a half since Shelby died and I'm still heart broken. I feel so empty inside. I feel like there is no point to life anymore. I didn't know it would take this long to heal. This is what love is. I don't like it. I never wanna fall in love again. I hate myself for falling in love in the first place. I don't know why people want love so bad. Love Bites

Thank you for reading the final chapter of Love Bite. I had a lot of fun making it and will hopefully write another story soon. If you remember in the beginning I played the song Love Bites and said it will come back. It probably didn't make much sense then but hopefully it does now. Any way it will be at the bottom to play again if you want. Bye! Remember... watch out...

Love Bites

Love Bites (kiingtong x shubble)Where stories live. Discover now