You Shook Me All Night Long

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Will's POV
I woke up early the next morning. It was Shelby's birthday and I needed to make her an extra special breakfast. Today was gonna be awesome! We are inviting everyone over. A lot of her kid friends flew out last night to surprise her. We have Max, Sky, Ross, and Aph coming out for her. We also got her newer friends like Parker Scott, Britt, Dilllan, Megan, Del, and pretty much the rest of the harmony hallow crew. She is gonna be so happy.

H wakes when I am making Shelby's birthday breakfast. "What ya cooking?" He asks.

"Crown shaped pancakes for Shelby's birthday," I answer while flipping the pancakes.

"Nice, where is she?" H responds.

"Still sleeping like the angel she is," I sigh happily.

"So, what did you get her?" H asks.

"I got her a crown shaped necklace and the other thing is for when everyone else is in bed" I say with a wink.

"Oh, I see! Don't get her pregnant!" H laughs.

"Don't get who pregnant?" Graser asks walking in.

"Shhh! Shelby!" I scold him.

"What about her?" Graser says confused.

"Wills giving her an extra special present tonight!" H whispers with a smirk.

"Oh... nice Will," Graser says when he understands what we where saying.

"Shh!" I scold again.

"Sorry!" Graser says as he sits down to watch T.V.

I finish cooking breakfast just in time because a ready for the day Shelby walks out of our room.

"Good morning beautiful! Happy birthday!" I greet her.

"Thank you love, good morning to you too!" She beams.

We sit down and eat breakfast. Shelby takes one look at her plate and smiles. She gets up and kisses my cheek. Gosh I love her kisses.

After breakfast I quickly clean up and hop in the shower to get ready. Shelby is already ready. Once I'm set we go out and walk around the park for a bit. This was our plan to get everyone to her apartment without her noticing. I don't mind distracting her. It just I get to spend more time with the love of my life.

I take her to Disney where we spend our whole day. It was amazing! We went on rides, played games, and met characters. The best part was spending it with her. At about three we started heading back.

We walk up the steps and I to the apartment.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts.

I can see tears form in Shelby's eyes.

"You guys! Oh my gosh! Thank you!" She cries.

She turns and give me a big hug and kiss.

"Hey Shelby! Get your lips off of him!" Shouts her cousin Ross.

Everyone laughs except for Ross.

"Hey! I'm serious!" He scolds.

Shelby pulls away and goes to give her cousin a big hug. She then make her way around to hug everyone. After thanking them all her and Aphmau go into a corner to catch up. Jess' (aphmau) kids are running around causing as much trouble as possible.

I am really happy for Shelby. I talk to Ross a lot trying to get on his good side. I don't want him to be mad when he hears what I'm gonna do to Shelby tonight.

Everyone is having fun but its time for presents. Shelby is really happy with what she has gotten but now she has to open what I got her.

"Last present!" She shouts in her beautiful high pitched voice.

She unwraps the big box to find a smaller one. She opens the box and sees the necklace. Tears form in her eyes as an takes it out and hold it up.

"Will..." she happily sobs.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"I love it!" She replies giving me a kiss. That kiss turns into a mini make out.

"Ahem!" Ross coughs to get us to stop. We all laugh. I'm happy to see my love happy.

Then Jess pulls out the giant crown shaped cake she made. She placesn it on the table and puts candles in. Graser grabs a lighter and lights the candles. Max turns off the lights and we all start to sing, "happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Shelby! Happy birthday to you!"

Shelby blows out her candles and then turns and kisses me.

"Hey guys! My wish came true!" She laughs.  Every one laughs with her, even Ross! Jess cut the cake and her husband Jason passes them out. Shelby and I each had our own piece cake and the shared another.

After cake we all chill out and watch Netflix while people start to leave. Eventually its just me, Shelby, Graser, and H. Graser is asleep on the couch and H is going to bed.

"Happy birthday my love," I say giving her a kiss.

I lead her to our room, "I have one more present for you."

"Oh really," she giggles. We then kiss and make out. I then pull her into bed and we start having fun. I'm not telling you exactly what happened (this ain't no lemon people!) But I will tell you that she shook me all night long.

Thank you for reading chapter 8 of Love Bites. I hope you enjoyed this fun, happy, long chapter. Yes, the title is the name of the song. If you wanna know what Will and Shelby did I suggest you listen to the song. There is actually this one line that is hilarious and works so well with the story. Anyway, hope you liked! Bye!

The song:

For the person who didn't listen to the video, the line I found funny was : knocking me out with those American thighs

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