1. Dogs bring love

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"You didn't?!"

"I'm sorry! I truly am!"

"Yeah, well you're always sorry."

"Yuuri please don't be mad at me! I totally lost track of time. You know how I get when I am skating a new routine." Victor couldn't stand seeing the look in Yuuri's eyes. All that anger fixed on him. He looked side ways at Makkachin's food bowl. It was still full. Usually he ate the moment he heard the food fall in the bowl.

"Yes, I know how you get. Every time I ask you to do something or buy something or what ever, you don't do it because you were skating, or you lost track of time! How can I depend on you? How can I trust you, if you can't even remember to eat! If I had known marrying you would be like this, I wouldn't have done it!" Yuuri gulped. He hadn't meant to say that. It had crossed his mind, but he didn't really mean it.

Victor looked terrified. Did Yuuri really mean that? Victor knew he wasn't the most responsible one. He had a habit of forgetting simple things like lunch, but that's part of what Yuuri loved about him, right?

Victor turned around, grabbed his coat and walked to the door of their small apartment.

"Victor, what are you doing? Where are you going?" Yuuri asked in a small voice. Almost a whisper.

"I am going to the store. Getting the things you asked for." He didn't wait for Yuuri to answer and closed the door behind him. He sighed.

The last months were all like this. Half of the time Yuuri and Victor were fighting. Victor hated seeing the anger in his husband's eyes. But at the same time, Yuuri looked really cute with cheeks flushed red of all the emotions running through his head. With his hair sticking up in all directions, his glasses hanging  slightly askew and his small hands balled into fists. It really turned him on, which made Yuuri even angrier.


Victor put the bags down. He had bought everything Yuuri asked for and even a bouquet of pink roses. He hoped Yuuri would like them and forgive him.

He grabbed his key, put it in the lock and turned it. The whole apartment was filled with darkness, Victor could only see the outlines of the furniture. He didn't want to put on the light, Yuuri was probably asleep and he didn't want to wake him up.

As silently as he could he walked in, and put the bags down on the kitchen table. He grabbed an apple, took a bite and walked into the living room. The TV was still on. It played some sort of superhero movie. He looked around in the blueish light coming from the TV, and saw the outline of two feet dangling from the armrest of the couch.

The owner of the feet was in a deep sleep. His face was completely blank. He looked extremely cute.

Victor knew Yuuri had a habit of falling asleep while watching movies. Months ago, when they still watched movies together, Yuuri used to fall asleep on Victor. Victor would completely forget about the movie and just look at the sleeping Yuuri for hours.

Victor smiled at the memory of this. He placed Yuuri's glasses on the coffee table and scooped him in his arms. One arm under his bend knees en one arm supporting his head.

Yuuri looked so sweet without an infinite frown on his head. Because that seemed to be the case. Yuuri was alway frowning, from stress, anger or whatever emotion. The only time he wasn't frowning was when he skated. Then he was able to let go of all emotions and just loose himself to the music. That is when Victor loved him most.

He gently placed Yuuri on his side of the bed. He pulled the blankets around his husband's body.

It was only seven pm, but Victor decided to just go to bed. Or, well, watching Yuuri sleep until he himself fell asleep.

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