2. Precious Moments

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EDIT: Someone pointed out that I should put warnings up for this chapter: there's suicide in here. It's not Victor or Yuuri, but they are heavily affected by it so be careful while reading this!! Stay safe babes <3

>>This is going to be a looong chapter. So... Enjoy :)<<

The soft sound of 'Stay Close To Me' echoes throught the small room. Yuuri and Yuuko are watching the TV intensely. Completely mesmerized by the Russian skater, who's currently performing.

Yuuri tries to remember every move Victor makes. He wishes he could move as graceful as Victor. His jaw drops as Victor completes a flawless performance.

He gets awarded all the points he deserves. And ends up in first place. The next skater comes up, but Yuuko decides they have seen enough. She turns to Yuuri, who's still staring at the now black screen.

"Wasn't that amazing! Did you see that last jump! He's got to have some courage to put such a difficult jump at the end of his performance!"

Yuuri barely nods. He is still dumbstruck. They both sit in silence for a few moments.

Suddenly Yuuko claps her hands together. Yuuri jumps.

"I have an amazing idea, Yuuri! What is we try to copy Victors performance!" She says with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Yuuri's eyes widen in excitement. He sits up. "Y-Yeah let's do that!"

Yuuko grabs Yuuri's hand and pulls him out of the room to the computer in the back. She opens YouTube and searches Victors performance. Soon enough she has found it.

"Yuuri, grab some paper and a pen! We need to analyze his performance and write everything down!" Yuuko says excited.

Yuuri quickly runs to grab all the thing Yuuko asked for. When he returnes Yuuko's already started the video.

Yuuri once again sees Victor skate the beautiful program. His long platinum colored hair dancing behind his head in a ponytail.


Yuuri's shoes slowly shuffle down the hall. Coach Celestino's hand gently placed on his shoulder. He slowly pushes Yuuri further. Yuuri looks up at his coach.

"Do I really have to go?" He asks, although he already knows the answer. They have been through this a hundred times already.

"Yuuri, you know you have to. Every skater who competed will be here. If you don't show up it will be really weird." Celestino sighs. He knows Yuuri doesn't want to go, but it's a formality he is supposed to attend.

They stop in front of the door leading to the ballroom where the party is being held. Yuuri can hear the music through the door. He sighs.

Celestino looks at Yuuri one last time before he pushes the door open. The sound of people talking and laughing fills their ears.

Yuuri flinches, he really doesn't want to be here. Celestino notices this and grabs Yuuri's shoulder a bit tighter. He pushes Yuuri in.

Yuuri steps in. He looks around to see that everyone already has someone to talk to. His shoulders tense when he sees Victor Nikiforov. He is currently talking to a blonde angry looking teenage boy. Victor looks up at Yuuri from across the room and winks.

Yuuri feels his cheeks get warm and quickly looks away. His eyes search the room for something to do when his eyes land on the table in the back where the food and drinks are placed.

He makes his way over to the table and grabs a glass of champagne. He quickly drinks it before he grabs another one, and another one.....

Victor is done talking to the angry blonde teenager and decides to start a conversation with the Swiss competitor when his eyes fall on the raven haired boy on the other end of the room. Victor watches as Japanese skater drinks one glass of champagne after the other until he is clearly drunk.

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