Chapter Fifteen

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After encountering that Horror, Lina decided that she would help Michael win the Grand Death Games. She took Michael to the cave her friends were sleeping in. As they slept, the big dust storm continued until morning.

Lina and the team were awaken by the loud sound of thunder. ZAP!!!!

"WHOA, HOLY NOUSAURONG!!!!", yelled the Agent Kids and Michael.

"It's okay, it's just the everyday thunder," said Lina.

"Michael?! When did you get here?", said Zoldan.

"I found him last night," said Lina.

"Any news on the scores so far?", said William.

"Yeah, Jonathan is in the lead with over 9000 points," said Michael.

"Then we just need to find him and kill him," said Lina.

"You can try. Word has it that Jonathan has a huge team consisting of 20 people," said Michael.

"We can't stay here forever, we must find Jonathan," said William.

"Let's go. I think the dust storm cleared," said Lina.

So the five people got out of the cave. When Lina saw the harsh environment of the Ember, she was dumbfounded. It was the most inhospitable thing ever seen. The sun of Locrith was completely black, yet it still created a red and malicious light. The sky was black and red. There were tons of ruins of ancient cities and crashed spacecrafts. Rivers of lava flowed throughout the cliffs, as if water was replaced by lava! In fact, it was! The Ember was really hot too, about 130 degrees. It looked like an apocalypse!

"It's so hot I am gonna melt, literally melt!", said Lina.

"Really, it doesn't feel hot at all! It's freezing! It's only 130 degrees! This is the coldest winter in Locrith's history!", said William, who was shivering!

"How are you shivering?!", said Lina.

"I am a Cranky, remember? I was made to live in the heat!", said William.

"Really?! Then how are you not cold on Galtraxia or Nedonia or any cold planet?", said Lina.

"I'm always cold, I just wear a jacket," said William.

"Well I'm not cold! I am a human, a Richurian, whatever! I am hot!", said Lina.

"Anyways, what happened to this place? There are ruins of cities everywhere!", said Michael.

"Before I was a Minor, I spent my entire life marooned in the Ember. I didn't know much about its history, but when I left, I spent hours researching it and its history," said William.

"So what do you know?", said Lina.

"As we all know, before the Dark Legion was formed, the Ancient Locrithians were the rulers of Locrith. I guess that those ancient cities were Ancient Locrithian cities. Underground were also Ancient Locrithian cities. It was prosperous nation back then. When Dark Cranky was released from Asmeth by Nousaurong, he ended up on Locrith due to the fact that he was exiled from Spacechase. On Ancient Locrith, he killed the last Ancient Locrithian King. Before then, the Ancient Locrithian King had twelve rightful sons destined to rule Locrith. When he died, only one son could become king. As a result, the Ancient Locrithian Empire was divided into twelve kingdoms known as the Twelve Locrithian Nations. Although they maintained peace for two years, Dark Cranky created tension between the Twelve Locrithian Nations, deceiving them with gifts of unimaginable worth. Dark Cranky also presented the Twelve Kings with the Sunstone, a gift said to have come from heaven itself. Consumed by their greed, the Twelve Kings wanted to keep the Sunstone for themselves. They also wanted to reunite the Twelve Locrithian Nations through the Sunstone. So a civil war had begun. People began slaughtering each other like animals. All wars get out of control, this one went to the point where people used nukes to destroy each other. Dark Cranky also had another trick up his sleeve, a deadly virus that drives people mad of insanity through fear, the Darkness. The Darkness causes people to slaughter each other like animals, even friends. Dark Cranky used this virus to further end the Ancient Locrithians. It was a cataclysmic war that eventually caused all of the Ancient Locrithians to perish. Not even 1 percent of the Ancient Locrithians lived after that! Before Dark Cranky came to our universe, the Ancient Locrithians ruled over a vast empire. After the Twelve Locrithian Nations fell, their vast empire fell under Dark Cranky's control. There were prophecies after the Twelve Locrithian Nations were formed saying that a king would reunite the divided Locrithian Empire. Unfortunately, the man who reunited them was not one of the Twelve Kings, it was Dark Cranky!"

"So then the Ancient Locrithians colonies fell under Dark Cranky's control?", said Lina.

"Yes," said William.

"That must've been a devastating war billions of years ago," said Michael.

"I agree. Such a war started all because of the Sunstone, a rock. That's how evil and powerful greed can be. If the Twelve Kings' love of gold hadn't become to fierce, then Ancient Locrith would still exist, and the Dark Legion would not exist," said William.

"And the moral of the story, don't get greedy," said Sonya.

"Actually, the moral is that money doesn't buy happiness," said Zoldan.


"GUYS!!! COME ON!!! The things you both said are the same thing!", said Lina.

"I guess that proves that money is the root of all evil," said Michael.

"Let's go find Jonathan. If he has the most points, we just have to kill him to win!", said Lina.

"Nothin like killing the bad old Meanie Bros to earn points. Jonathan is gonna regret picking on me at school before the whole Dark Legion thing," said Michael.

"Meanie Bros?!", said Lina.

"Oh sorry, you guys don't know. Back before Jonathan and I were abducted by the Dark Legion, we went to the same school. Jonathan's older brother would hang out at school with him, despite being a high schooler, and pulverize kids. We called them the Meanie Bros. The one person Jonathan bullied the most at school is now a famous hero of Galtraxia. His name was Waldo Zar. Man, if he were here, Jonathan would regret the day he was born! I could imagine his look if Waldo arrived! Jonathan used to humiliate Waldo in front of the whole school! Waldo would totally humiliate Jonathan now," said Michael.

"WHAT?!!!", Lina blurted out.

Lina realized that she knew Jonathan! Jonathan was one of the Meanie Bros! He was known as Ice back then! That meant that she was gonna fight against the one kid who caused Lina to be found by the Dark Legion, to end up on Galtraxia! Now she was angry!

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