[ duncan x courtney ]

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duncan x courtney [ duncney ] opinion;

now, i'm going to be completely honest; duncney was never one of my favorite ships. i always preferred the screaming gophers over the killer bass, so i usually focused on that team's characters. however, the good girl/bad boy trope was interesting to see depicted, even though i'm more of a bad girl/good boy type of girl.

i found courtney's character a bit annoying in the first season, but i can appreciate some of her better moments. that was season one, however, season two is a different story entirely.

courtney became abusive. as someone who experienced domestic abuse, i don't like it when people throw that world around lightly-but in this case, it's true. the relationship was toxic and only continued to grow worse as duncan's interest in her and developed feelings for his best friend at the time, gwen.


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