Part I

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Authrors Notes: This is a little dark so take heed before reading. It's inspired by Hook (1991) and it takes place in that version of Neverland. There's a little inspiration from The Forbidden Games by L.J Smith in there too. 


"When a devil falls in love, it's the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And you should be terrified, for he will go to the depths of hell for her."

- thathottiesoutofmyleague via tumblr


Dear Princess,

If ye want the runt back, go to the second star to the right and straight on till morning. Come alone and bring yer mother's magic mirror.

H Hook.

Evie read the parchment, again and again, her eyes devouring the words desperately.

This can't be happening, she kept telling herself, shaking her head. Yet the proof that it was was in her hands, crumbled and torn from how tightly she was clutching onto it. She stared at the black cursive writing, her eyes lingering over the signer's name.

H Hook. Harry Hook. The son of Captain James Hook. A man who her heart had crossed what seemed a lifetime ago. A man she had not seen in half a decade. After the incident at the jubilee, Harry had escaped the isle through trickery and deceit, stolen a ship and was never heard of again. The Auradon guards had searched for him but to no avail.

Now... he was back.

And he had kidnapped Dizzy.

If he had not revealed that he was in Neverland through his letter, Evie doubted she could have figured out what he would have wanted the mirror for. But if he was in Neverland then there was only one reason he could want it.

He wanted to use it to find Peter Pan's hideout.

Evie took a seat and breathed in deeply, trying to take control of the anxiety trembling through her body.

Being in Dizzy's room in Auradon Prep was not helping. When Evie had first come into the room to check on Dizzy, who had been late for their movie night, she was startled to find the door ajar and the lock broken off. She had bolted into the room only to freeze at the mess that greeted her.

The room was wrecked. Furniture was toppled over, the window had been smashed, glittering glass scattered across the carpet, and across the walls was a long continuous gash, like a sword had been slashed across it... or a hook. Almost immediately she had found the parchment, pinned to the wall by an intricately designed dagger. After reading it, Evie had felt numbness over take her.

Harry Hook was back... and he wanted her to go to Neverland...

Evie rose to her feet. She held onto the edge of the table to steady herself, her legs feeling wobbly and a wave of dizziness threatening to take hold.

I am not letting you get away with this, Harry. I am going to save Dizzy and haul you and your crew back to the isle!

With her silent promise, Evie found a renewed strength. She grabbed the dagger and parchment and ran out of the room. She hurried along the corridors, her mind mapping out what she had to do.

First, she had to borrow some pixie dust from the chemistry storage room. She wasn't stealing, just borrowing. When she got back she would reimburse Auradon Prep for the borrowed pixie dust. Once she collected that she would need to go home and change before stopping by the museum to collect an old friend.

The Dangerous Love Of A PirateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora